
A simple command-line implementation of the classic Hasboro game.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple command-line implementation of the classic Hasboro game.

Quick Start

git clone git@github.com:ccashwell/battleship
cd battleship
chmod +x ./battleship
./battleship [options]


  • --help (or -h) — Print helpful usage information.
  • --cheat (or -c) — Show the positions of ships on the gameboard.
  • --verbose (or -v) — Print gameboard state after each turn.

Design Decisions

  • No Tests: Due to time constraints I did not implement any testing.
  • One-sided Gameplay: Due to time constraints I did not implement an AI player.
  • External Dependencies: While not necessary, I used 3 external libraries.
    • commander was used to simplify command line interactions.
    • prompt was used to provide a nice and clean user input mechanism with built-in validations.
    • colors was used to add bash formatting without littering the implementation with bash escape codes.


While this is just a simple example implementation, you're welcome to offer any contributions. Just clone the repo, make some commits and open a pull request.