
Event Streams Sample Producer

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A sample workload producer for testing your IBM Event Streams instance. This producer wraps the Kafka class ProducerPerformance, which is provided within the Kafka Tools jar. It will allow you to produce load to a Kafka cluster by specifying either a size, or setting specific values for throughput and total messages.

Getting Started

There are two options for running this producer. You can either download our pre-built es-producer.jar and run it using the following command:

java -jar es-producer.jar

Alternatively, you can clone this repository and build the project yourself.



  • Clone this project

  • Navigate to the root directory of the project and run the following command:

    mvn install

  • This will create an es-producer.jar file inside the target directory.

Producer Configuration

We supply a template configuration file, producer.config. You will need to fill this in to get the producer working.

The values enter in the Event Streams UI by selecting the topic to produce to, clicking on Connect to this topic and viewing the Resources tab on the Topic connection panel. The exact requirements depend on the version and configuration of the Event Streams instance. For more detailed instructions, see the Event Streams documentation.

The following configuration options might be required:

Attribute Description
bootstrap.servers The addressed used by the producer application to connect to Event Streams.
ssl.truststore.location The location (path and filename) of the Event Streams certificate.
ssl.truststore.password The password of the Event Streams certificate.
security.protocol The security protocol to use for connections. SSL if TLS enabled or SASL_SSL for Event Streams 2019.4.2 and earlier.
sasl.mechanism The SASL mechanism to use for connections. SCRAM-SHA-512 if using SCRAM credentials or SASL_PLAIN for Event Streams 2019.4.2 and earlier.
sasl.jaas.config The SASL configuration details. org.apache.kafka.common.security.scram.ScramLoginModule required username="<username>" password="<password>";, with the <username> and <password> replaced with the SCRAM credentials if using SCRAM. For Event Streams 2019.4.2 and earlier this should be set to org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username="token" password="<password>"; with the <password> replaced by an API key.
ssl.keystore.location The location (path and filename) of the user.p12 keystore file if using TLS credentials.
ssl.keystore.password The password for the keystore if using TLS credentials.


We offer -s as a parameter for quick startup. This will automatically set messages per second and num records. You can view a full list of available parameters below.

To run the sample producer from the root of the project:

java -jar target/es-producer.jar -t <topic-name> -s <size> -r <record-size> -c <config-file>


java -jar target/es-producer.jar -t myTopic -s small -r 1024 -c producer.config

java -jar target/es-producer.jar -t myTopic -T 1000 -n 60000 -r 1024 -c producer.config


To run tests for this producer:

Run the command: mvn test in the root of the repository.


Parameter Shorthand Longhand Type Description Default
Topic -t --topic string The name of the topic to produce to loadtest
Num Records -n --num-records integer The total number of messages to be sent (overrides size) 60000
Payload File -f --payload-file string File to read the message payloads from. This works only for UTF-8 encoded text files. Payloads will be read from this file and a payload will be randomly selected when sending messages.
Payload Delimiter -d --payload-delimiter string Provides delimiter to be used when --payload-file is provided. Note that this parameter will be ignored if --payload-file is not provided \n
Throughput -T --throughput integer Throttle maximum message throughput to approximately THROUGHPUT messages per second. -1 means as fast as possible -1
Producer Config -c --producer-config string Path to producer configuration file producer.config
Print Metrics -m --print-metrics boolean Whether to print out metrics at the end of the test
Num Threads -x --num-threads integer The number of producer threads to run 1
Size -s --size string Pre-defined combinations of message throughput and volume
Record Size -r --record-size integer The size of each message to be sent in bytes 100
Help -h --help N/A Lists the available parameters
Gen Config -g --gen-config N/A Generates the configuration file required to run the tool

Note: You must either supply payload-file or record-size. You cannot supply both.

Size Options

These are the predefined sizes that are available for quick use.

Size Messages per Second Total Messages
small 1000 60000
medium 10000 600000
large 100000 6000000

Environment Overrides for Kubernetes

Setting the following environment variables will override the value used for each parameter. This is useful when the jar is Dockerised and you cannot specify parameters on the command line.

Parameter Environment Variable
Num threads ES_NUM_THREADS

Note: If size has been set in the arguments of the jar, this can only be overridden if both the ES_NUM_RECORDS and ES_THROUGHPUT environment variables are set, or if ES_SIZE is set.

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Apache 2.0