
Programmatic access to ProteinGym datasets in R/Bioconductor

Primary LanguageRMIT LicenseMIT


Data resources from ProteinGym

The ProteinGymR package provides analysis-ready data resources from ProteinGym, generated by Notin et al., 2023. ProteinGym comprises a collection of benchmarks for evaluating the performance of models predicting the effect of point mutations. This package provides access to two datasets: 1. Deep mutational scanning (DMS) scores from 217 assays measuring the impact of all possible amino acid substitutions across 186 proteins, and 2. AlphaMissense pathogenicity scores for ~1.6 M substitutions in the ProteinGym DMS data.


Install the package from Bioconductor or GitHub, ensuring correct Bioconductor dependencies.

if (!"BiocManager" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))
    install.packages("BiocManager", repos = "https://cloud.R-project.org")


Load the library.
