Based on tag: mainnet-1.6.0
Network Monitor and Voting command prepering tool:
! new nodeos config parametr in 1.6.0:
chain-threads = 8
mkdir /home/eos-sources
cd /home/eos-sources
git clone --recursive
cd eos
git checkout mainnet-1.6.0
git submodule update --init --recursive
./ -s EOS
mkdir /home/eos-sources
cd /home/eos-sources/eos
git checkout mainnet-1.6.0
git submodule sync
git submodule update --init --recursive
./ -s EOS
Create data-dir folder for you node:
mkdir /opt/EOSmainNet
Clone all files from this repo:
cd /opt/EOSmainNet git clone ./
add execution rights
chmod -R 777 ./*.sh chmod -R 777 ./Wallet/*.sh
If you use different data-dir folders -> edit all paths in files,,, Wallet/, Wallet/
Edit in config.ini next parameters and uncomment it:
- server address: p2p-server-address = YOUR_NODE_IP_ADDRESS:9876
- your producer name: producer-name = YOUR_BP_NAME
- created producer keypair: private-key = YOUR_BLOCK_SIGN_PUB_KEY=KEY:YOUR_BLOCK_SIGN_PRIV_KEY
- replace p2p-peer-address list with fresh generated on monitor site:
Open http and p2p Ports on your firewall/router
Connect your node, run
- Start wallet, run
- Import your key(s)
./ wallet import <YOUR_PRIVKEY>
First run should be with --delete-all-blocks and --genesis-json
./ --delete-all-blocks --genesis-json genesis.json
- Check if you can access you node using link http://you_server:your_http_port/v1/chain/get_info
- In scripts folder you can find examples how to register as producer, stake, vote, claimrewards, etc
- You can use testnet monitor for preparing vote command:
- Cleos commands:
Send EOS
./ transfer <your account> <receiver account> "1.0000 EOS" "test memo text"
Get Balance
./ get currency balance eosio.token <account name>
Create account
./ system newaccount --stake-net "1.0000 EOS" --stake-cpu "1.0000 EOS" --buy-ram-kbytes 8 <your accountr> <new account> <pkey1> <pkey2>
List registered producers (-l )
./ get table eosio eosio producers -l 100
List your last action (use -h to get help, do not work now)
./ get actions <account name>
List staked/delegated
./ system listbw <account>
Jungle Testnet telegram channel