
Control Software for Squid

Primary LanguagePython

Squid Control

The Squid Control software is a Python package that provides a simple interface to control the Squid microscope. The software is designed to be used with the Squid microscope (made by Cephla Inc.).

Installation and Usage

See the installation guide for instructions on how to install and use the software.


To run the software, use the following command:

python -m squid_control --config HCS_v2

If you want to use a different configuration file, you can specify the path to the configuration file:

python -m squid_control --config /home/user/configuration_HCS_v2.ini

To start simulation mode, use the following command:

python -m squid_control --config HCS_v2 --simulation

To load a custom multipoint function:

python -m squid_control --config HCS_v2 --simulation --multipoint-function=./my_multipoint_custom_script_entry.py:multipoint_custom_script_entry

Registering a Hypha Service and Chatbot for the Microscope

The Squid Control software now supports integration with Hypha, a generative AI-powered application framework designed for large-scale data management, AI model serving, and real-time communication. This feature allows users to register a Hypha service and a chatbot service for the microscope, enabling advanced automation and real-time collaboration.

What is Hypha?

Hypha is a framework that connects various computational and user interface components through Hypha-RPC, a bidirectional remote procedure call system. It supports real-time communication, scalable data management, and integration with AI models and tools. For more details, see the Hypha documentation.

Setting Up the Hypha Service

To register a Hypha service for the microscope, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the Hypha Tutorial: Refer to the Hypha tutorial for detailed instructions on setting up the service.
  2. Run the Hypha Service Script: After completing the setup, start the Hypha service by running the following command:

python start_hypha_service.py

This script will initialize the Hypha service for the microscope.

Use Hypha Service for Microscope Control

You can read the tutorial at Hypha Tutorial to learn how to use the Hypha service for microscope control.


Cephla Inc.


The current branch is a frok from https://github.com/hongquanli/octopi-research/ at the following commit:

commit dbb49fc314d82d8099d5e509c0e1ad9a919245c9 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Hongquan Li <hqlisu@gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Apr 4 18:07:51 2024 -0700

    add laser af characterization mode for saving images from laser af camera

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