
gitlab api nodejs library

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

nct-gitlab(fork from nxt-gitlab)

This is a fork of This is a fork of original node-gitlab repository (https://github.com/moul/node-gitlab), we add some new features and bugfixes. All our changes are submited to the original repository as pull request, but in order to speed up the process of producing a new node and meteor module we decide to host own package.

Bitdeli Badge

NPM Badge

GitLab API Nodejs library. It wraps the HTTP api library described here.


# Install from npm
npm install nct-gitlab



# Connection
gitlab = (require 'gitlab')
  url:   'http://example.com'
  token: 'abcdefghij123456'

gitlab = (require 'gitlab')
  url:   'http://example.com'
  access_token: 'abcdefghij123456'

# Listing users
gitlab.users.all (users) ->
  console.log "##{user.id}: #{user.email}, #{user.name}, #{user.created_at}" for user in users

# Listing projects
gitlab.projects.all (projects) ->
  for project in projects
    console.log "##{project.id}: #{project.name}, path: #{project.path}, default_branch: #{project.default_branch}, private: #{project.private}, owner: #{project.owner.name} (#{project.owner.email}), date: #{project.created_at}"


// Connection
var gitlab = require('gitlab')({
  url:   'http://example.com',
  token: 'abcdefghij123456'


var gitlab = require('gitlab')({
  url:   'http://example.com',
  access_token: 'abcdefghij123456'

// Listing users
gitlab.users.all(function(users) {
  for (var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
    console.log("#" + users[i].id + ": " + users[i].email + ", " + users[i].name + ", " + users[i].created_at);

// Listing projects
gitlab.projects.all(function(projects) {
  for (var i = 0; i < projects.length; i++) {
    console.log("#" + projects[i].id + ": " + projects[i].name + ", path: " + projects[i].path + ", default_branch: " + projects[i].default_branch + ", private: " + projects[i]["private"] + ", owner: " + projects[i].owner.name + " (" + projects[i].owner.email + "), date: " + projects[i].created_at);

See Examples directory for more examples


Gitter chat

Edit the Coffee-Script files in src, then build them using cake build. Use cake watch to build files continuously while developing.


Ermlab Contributors
