
A bare minimum React Native App, OIDC Provider, and API (coming soon) all running locally with a few simple commands.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Example usage of redux-oidc in React Native app

A bare minimum React Native App, OIDC Provider, and API (coming soon) all running locally with a few simple commands.


The two folders, OIDCProvider and ReactNativeApp each have their package.json file.

OIDC Provider

Starts a node server on port 3000.

  1. Navigate into OIDCProvider and run npm i to download packages
  2. Run npm run start or double click on run-start.cmd

ReactNativeApp (Android)

  1. Follow React native's Getting Started instructions for Building Projects with Native Code
  2. Allow the android emulator to communicate with your local OIDC Provider
  3. Navigate to [Your Android SDK Directory]\platform-tools
  4. Open a command window
  5. Run adb reverse tcp:3000 tcp:3000 * Note: You have to run this again each time you open the emulator
  6. In the ReactNativeApp folder run npm i
  7. Run react-native run-android or double click on run-android.cmd
  • If the React Packager window closes due to an error just re-launch it using react-native start, then close and re-open the app through the emulator UI.

Sign In

Use the following emails with any password to sign in:

  1. foo@example.com
  2. bar@example.com


  • Build API to return a simple todo list for each user of OIDC Provider and update ReactNativeApp to use API.
  • Work with oidc-client and redux-oidc maintainers to reduce code needed by consumers.
  • Add silent renew
  • Add session monitoring