
Primary LanguageRuby


We want a Frontend + Backend application that allows you to post and visualize metrics. Each metric will have: Timestamp, name, and value. The metrics will be shown in a timeline and must show averages per minute/hour/day The metrics will be persisted in the database.

General decisions

I've decided to provide both projects, backend and frontend, in separated folders inside the same repo. I didn't want to overload this PoC adding extra logic with a tool as webpack to do it in a classic monorepo.

Backend (metrics-api)

The metrics can be filtered by name and grouped by a period, computing the proper value average during the given period. That period of grouping can be specified using an ISO 8601 duration.

Stack used:

  • RoR (3.2.0,
  • PostgreSQL (dockerized, 15.2-bullseye)

Layers used:

  • Request validation using dry-validation
  • Controller
  • Services (for more complex business logic)
  • Model
  • View, using Jb

For tests used:

Tested services and controllers, as those are the layers where the logic is. Discarded to test models for this PoC since the only model is really simple.


Inside backend folder: Create a new file with the environment variables like the following, and replace the placeholders <user> and <password> with the proper values.



export those variables to make them available from the console:

export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs)

and finally:

rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed

Now, we're ready to start the server:

rails server -e development

And we'll have a server running locally listening in the default port, 3000.

Frontend (metrics-webapp)

  • Angular (15.1.5) with Node (v16.14.0), NPM (8.3.1)
  • Used chart.js as a library for rendering the graphs
  • Added Angular Material for styling a bit the webapp
  • Added Tailwind CSS for better styling the webapp


Inside frontend folder:

npm install -D
npm run start

Now, we're ready! You can open a browser and navigate to the main page.

General comments & further improvements

  • All the setup could be dockerized to ease the deploy and the local management.

  • Another different approach could have been to return all the metrics grouped by name and then displayed all together.

    • To achieve that, we could add .group_by { |m| m.name } instead of .where(name: name) in backend side (Getter service) and then add a new dataset using each group in frontend, combining all the data in the same graphic.
  • A good next step would be adding users with authentication support and link the metrics to its related user.