- 0xprincessnuconstruct.eth
- akansal1
- cceydaKakaoStyle
- coldnightOpted to Hire
- cookaKUKA Digital
- diegovalenzuelaiturra@TeselaGen
- dnlcrl@dvisionlab
- fly51flyPRIS
- ganesh3
- hamzahmhmmdSepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
- harshbafnaBhilai, Chhattisgarh, India
- hoagy-davis-digges
- ibib
- jrieke@streamlit
- justusschock@Lightning-AI
- kartikeyabspoofsense
- Kshitij09@ShareChat
- lezwonBangalore
- louisoutin@ntropy-network
- mibaumgartnerDKFZ Heidelberg
- mrdvinceNetherlands
- msaroufim@PyTorch
- ohjhoHong Kong
- pldawn
- rezw4nSurvey of Bangladesh
- robmarkcole@earthdaily
- shmilyyan
- shoaroraMercari
- shooterrrrSeoul, South Korea
- TezRomacHLimassol, Cyprus
- TheodoreGalanosAustrian Institute of Technology
- trisongzGrowth Engine AI
- vfdev-5@Quansight
- vinayprabhuUnifyID
- xuanhan863Los Angeles, USA
- Yevgnen