
Simulated queueing systems using Simpy

Primary LanguagePython

Queueing: Discrete Event Simulation


License: MIT

Required Packages:


Explanations per file

  • MM2.py
    We this file for various experiments, including the following: We can collect the data of MMC with 1, 2 and 4 servers by: Setting RHO = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.975], SIMULATIONS = 500, SIM_TIME= 500, MU = 1 and changing SERVERS each time we run for the values 1, 2 and lastly 4.

  • MM1_SJ_data.py
    When executing this file we collect data of the M/M/1 queue with shortest job first scheduling with a varying rho. Using servers=2 we can compare this to M/M/2 using: compare_124_processing.py

  • MDN_data.py
    By changing servers to 1,2,4 we can analyse this data using compare_124_processing.py. Or we can have 2 servers and compare this with tail.py (also setting servers=2) using compare_2_processing.py.

  • compare_124_processing.py
    The data of for example the MMC with 1, 2, 4 servers runs can be processed using this file. Executing this file, a plot is created of the average waiting times with 1, 2and 4 servers.

  • compare_2_processing.py
    When comparing 2 types queueing this file is used.

  • MM2-2000.py
    In this file an M/M/c system is simulated for rho=0.9. It is particularly used to gather data if the simulation time is highly increased.

  • histogram.py
    In this file histograms of the distribution of average waiting times for different simulation times are plotted.

  • probabilities.py
    This file is necessary for running the other files; in this file methods to calculate the expected queue length, the expected average waiting time and the confidence interval are stated.

  • tail.py
    A system with a long-tail distributed processing time can be simulated within this file. Mu = 1 for 75% of the time, but Mu=5 for 25% of the time.

  • MDN.py
    In this file a deterministic M/D/c system can be simulated.

  • proc_09.py
    In this file the statistical properties of simulations for rho=0.9 are calculated. The data is read from the data/ folder and subsequently the results are denoted in table 3 in the report.

  • dataprocessing.py
    This file generates a plot in which for every rho ([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.975]) and simulation times 5, 50, 500 and 1000 the average waiting time is plotted. The amount of servers is 2.

  • Data folder
    In the datafolder all data of the previously mentioned simulations used to create the plots in the report are collected in this file.