
Create the Rock Paper Scissors Game

Primary LanguageRuby

Build Status Coverage Status


H3 Approach

  1. Eventhough I will want to have a 'Game Title' page I will stick to the user stories and finish a MVP. After initializing the project with sinatra and capybara I set up web_helper and a basic route structure. Prelimarly I created /, player, weapons.

  2. On /weapons the player will choose a weapon and is then redirected to /outcome. Depending on the result either win.erb oder loose.erb is displayed.

  3. After setting up the root I created the actual game logic. i. I create a player and game class ii. /player_form will initiate a game and save a player instance in that instance. iii. The game class is in responsible for keeping track of players and score. I therefore create a outcome class to determine the winner of the round.

  4. Once the MVP was ready, a single player can enter their name, choose a weapon, and return win, loose or tied, I added a game score, if one wants to play multiple games.

H3 Installation

$ git clone git@github.com:ccfz/rps-challenge.git $ cd rps-challenge $ bundle $ rackup

H3 Screenshots