
Dimensional values (numbers with units of measure) can be parsed, stored, converted and formatted for output.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

# This library aims to provide effective parsing of user-supplied measures/metrics, intuitive scaling of those
# measures into a standard base scale unit and intuitive presentation of values.  It does not attempt to mixin
# unit-oriented methods into Ruby standard classes -to perform operations, particularly across dimensions, you
# will need to use basic conversion methods provided by this library combined with standard Ruby numerical oper-
# ations.  There is no method_missing magic or large mixin of spiffy unit-like methods here.
# Here are some examples of what you can do with the Dimensional library:
# require 'dimensional'
# require 'test/demo'
# class Autonomy < Dimensional::Metric
#   self.dimension = Dimensional::Dimension::L
# end 
# range = Autonomy.parse("15 nautical miles")
# range.to_s	# => "15M"
# range.base  # => <Rational(27780, 1) <meter>>
# range.base.to_s # => "27780m"
# usrange = range.convert(Dimensional::Unit[:L, :US, :yd])	# => <30380.5774278215 <yard>>
# The demo library in the test directory contains a good starter set of units.
# The long-term objective for this library is to achieve compliance with the UCUM standard.  References:
#   UCUM Website: http://unitsofmeasure.org/
#   UCUM Standard: http://aurora.regenstrief.org/~ucum/ucum.html