
Simple flask servers to have as a reference.

Primary LanguagePython

Install Dependencies for worker

python -m pip install flask requests celery redis

Start Redis server

Because in our implementation Celery uses Redis as a message broker, we need to start a Redis server.

1. Install Redis ( if not installed )

please refer to https://redis.io/docs/install/install-redis/

2. Start Redis server


Run server and a worker

1. Run server

python app.py

This will start a server on port 5000.

2. Run a worker

From a different terminal, run the following command to start a worker. The worker will listen to the celery queue and execute the tasks.

celery -A app.celery worker --loglevel=info

Client | Make a request

1. start a task

# curl<task-name>

This will create a task and put it in the celery queue. It will return a task id. The task id can be used to query the status of the task and get the result.

The response looks like this:

  "task_id": "b1b0b1b0-1b0b-1b0b-1b0b-1b0b1b0b1b0b"

2. Retrieve status and result

The client can then poll the server to get the status of the task and the result when the task is finished. Use the task id returned from the previous step.

# curl<task-id>

The response for a pending task looks like this:

  "state": "PENDING",
  "status": "Pending..."

The response for a completed task looks like this:

  "result": {
    "message": "task 'test' says 'hello!'"
  "state": "SUCCESS"

Flush Redis DB ( useful for development )

python flush_redis.py

Implementation details

The server uses Flask to handle the requests.
Flask is a micro web framework written in Python.

The server uses Celery to create tasks and put them in the queue.
Celery is an asynchronous task queue based on distributed message passing.

Celery uses Redis as the message broker. Redis is a fully-fledged in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and in this case as a message broker.