Optical Centrifuge for Diatomic Molecules (OCDM) - codes for the chlorine molecule Cl2
: to be edited to change the parameters of the OCDM computation (see below for a dictionary of parameters) -
: contains the DiaMol class and main functions defining the OCDM dynamics (for Cl2) -
: contains the methods to integrate the OCDM dynamics -
: MATLAB script to produce the dissociation probability figure from the output filesDiaMol_dissociation.txt
: MATLAB script to plot the trajectories from the output filesDiaMol.mat
: MATLAB script to plot the distributions of pφ values from the output filesDiaMol.mat
Once ocdm_dict.py
has been edited with the relevant parameters, run the file as
python3 ocdm.py
nohup python3 -u ocdm.py &>ocdm.out < /dev/null &
The list of Python packages and their version are specified in requirements.txt
. The code is using NumPy, SciPy, SymPy and Matplotlib.
- Method: string
- 'plot_potentials': plot the potential ε(r) and polarizabilities α(r)
- 'plot_ZVS': plot zero velocity functions
- 'dissociation': computes the dissociation probability as a function of the amplitude F0 of the electric field
- 'trajectories': computes and displays the trajectories according to type_traj
- 'poincaré'; Poincaré section is φ=0 (mod 2 π) with φ'<0 in the plane (r,pr) if EventPS='phi', and pr =0 with pr'<0 in the plane (φ,pφ) if EventPS='phi'
- dimension: 2 or 3; dimension of the computation
- F0: float or array of floats; amplitude(s) F0 of the electric field, E(t) = F0 f(t) [ex cosΦ(t) + ey sinΦ(t)] cosωt, considered in the computation (atomic units)
- Omega: lambda function; values of the frequency of rotation of the polarisation axis, Ω=Φ'(t), as a function of time (atomic units)
- envelope: string ('const', 'sinus', 'trapez'); envelope function f(t) of the laser field
- te: array of 3 or 4 floats; duration of ramp-up, plateau, ramp-down and (optional) after pulse (in picoseconds)
- Ntraj: integer; number of trajectories to be integrated
- r: array of two floats; minimum and maximum values of r for the display of potentials, and range of r (atomic units) for the selection of initial conditions
- initial_conditions: string or array of floats;
- ['microcanonical', E0] for a microcanonical distribution with energy E0
- ['microcanonical_J', n, J] for a microcanonical distribution with initial energy E0 = ωe (n+1/2) + Be J(J+1)-De
- array of shape (Ntraj, 2dimension) containing the initial conditions to be integrated
- spread3D: float; between 0 and 1; spread in angle theta for the initial conditions (only in the 3D case)
- TimePS: float; time (in picoseconds) at which the Poincaré section is computed (adiabatic approximation)
- EnergyPS: float; initial value of the energy (in atomic units) used in Method='poincaré'
- EventPS: string; 'phi' or 'pr'; choice of Poincaré section; Poincaré section is φ=0 (mod 2 π) with φ'<0 in the plane (r,pr) if EventPS='phi', and pr =0 with pr'<0 in the plane (φ,pφ) if EventPS='phi'
- ode_solver: string; 'RK45', 'RK23', 'DOP853', 'Radau', 'BDF', 'LSODA', 'Verlet', 'BM4'; method for the integration of trajectories
- 'RK45', 'RK23', 'DOP853', 'Radau', 'BDF', 'LSODA': (non-symplectic, variable time step); see ivp_solve for more details
- 'Verlet': Strang splitting or symplectic leap-frog integrator (symplectic, fixed time step, order 2); see Wikipedia for more details
- 'BM4' or 'BM6': BM64 or BM106 (symplectic, fixed time step, order 4 or 6) from Blanes, Moan, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 142, 313 (2002)
- NB: For Poincaré sections, ode_solver = 'RK45' by default
- ode_tol: array of two floats; absolute and relative tolerances [atol, rtol] for variable time-step integrators; see ivp_solve for more details
- ode_step: float; time step (in picoseconds) for the symplectic integrators 'Verlet' and 'BM4'
- r_thresh: float; threshold for the integration of trajectories; the integration is stopped whenever the distance r is larger than r_thresh
- frame: string; 'fixed' or 'rotating'; specifies in which frame the numerical integration is performed
- type_traj: array of 3 strings; ['all' or 'dissociated' or 'bounded', 'cartesian' or 'spherical', 'fixed' or 'rotating'] for the type of trajectories to be plotted and/or saved
- dpi: integer; dpi value for the figures
- SaveData: boolean; if True, the results are saved in a
file (with the type specified in 'type_traj'); if Method='dissociation', the trajectories are saved at t=0, t=tu, t=tu+tp and t=tu+tp+td; if Method='trajectories', the trajectories are saved with 'dpi' equispaced times from t=0 to t=tu+tp+td; NB: the dissociation probabilities are saved in a.txt
file regardless of the value of SaveData - PlotResults: boolean; if True, the results (for 'plot_potentials', 'plot_ZVS' and 'trajectories') are plotted right after the computation (with the type specified in 'type_traj' for 'trajectories')
- Parallelization: int or string; int is the number of cores to be used, 'all' for all of the cores
- darkmode: boolean; if True, plots are done in dark mode
- C. Chandre, J. Pablo Salas, Nonlinear dynamics of molecular super-rotors, Physical Review A 107, 063105 (2023); arXiv:2303.05090
title = {Nonlinear dynamics of molecular superrotors},
author = {Chandre, C. and Salas, J. Pablo},
journal = {Phys. Rev. A},
volume = {107},
issue = {6},
pages = {063105},
numpages = {12},
year = {2023},
month = {Jun},
publisher = {American Physical Society},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.107.063105},
url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevA.107.063105}
For more information: cristel.chandre@cnrs.fr