
E-Token is an online queue management system which reduces waiting time on queue, by providing live update about queue status in electronic gadgets.

Primary LanguageC#

#Important Links:

Project live url : http://etokensolution.azurewebsites.net/

Application Flow: https://github.com/KarthikElumalai/ETokenSln/wiki/Application-Flow-for-EToken

Database Design: KarthikElumalai#17 , https://github.com/KarthikElumalai/ETokenSln/wiki/Create-Database-Design-For-EToken

EToken UML Diagrams

What is E-Token?

  • E-Token is an online queue system which reduces waiting time on queue, by providing live update about queue status in electronic gadgets.

  • E-Token will generate a token that helps to keep track of the queue from anywhere in the world using internet.

  • In E-Token We have a features such as provide a token, view a token status, update a token, cancel a token, delete a token and many more. With these feature we can easily manage the online queue system in any suitable domain without any hassle.

What Can I do with E-Token?

  • Provide live and accurate queue information

  • Inform your customers of emergency off or delays with a single click

  • Get Customer Feedbacks

Why E-Token?

  • If you are losing customers, who are frustrated by waiting in your queue, then E-Token is the solution for that.

How E-Token help my business? Or what are the Features of E-Token?

  • Estimated wait time prediction using Artificial Intelligence (AI).

  • Queue Management.

  • Automatic Reminder and Notification system.

  • Customer Feedback

Technology Involved: Visual studio 15.8.5,Asp.net Core 2.1 and Xamrin for Mobile App

Domain: Can be used in Multiple Places (Ex Clinical, Bank counter, Ration shop, salon shop... etc.) .