
Psychtoolbox version of Observational Learning task (short version for computational psychiatry battery)

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Observational learning task - short version

Psychtoolbox version of Observational Learning task (short version for computational psychiatry battery). The task has an instruction phase, self-paced, followed by the task split into 8 short blocks (5s break in between blocks). Once task starts, total timing (including jitters) is fixed to 13min45s.


How to?

  • Download or clone repository in directory on your desktop
  • In Matlab, navigate to that directory
  • Run the script called 'run_OLtask.m' in order to start the task
  • For now, the task run in a window (debug mode). To run in full screen mode, alter line 16 of initIOStruct.m function, replacing the 'debugWinSize' argument with 'fullWinSize' or [].
  • During the task, 'hidden' keys for the experimenters are to press 'p' to proceed (before the instructions, and before the start of the main task) as well as 'q' to quit (at the very end of the task)