
Real-time Task Generator and Schedule Simulator (RT-TGSS Suite)

Primary LanguageJava

This is an archived repository.

Maintenance has been transferred to https://github.com/synercys/RTS-Schedule-Simulator

Real-time Task Generator and Schedule Simulator (RT-TGSS Suite)

Command - rttaskgen

  • Usage
Usage: rttaskgen [-hV] [-i=<taskInputFile>] [-n=<taskSize>]
                [-o=<outputFilePrefix>] [-r=<tasksetFileToBeReadAndPrinted>]
  -h, --help                  Display this help message.
  -i, --in=<taskInputFile>    A file that contains task configurations.
  -n, --size=<taskSize>       The number of tasks in a task set. It is ignored
                                when a configuration file is specified (-i).
  -o, --out=<outputFilePrefix>
                              A file for storing generated task sets.
  -r, --read=<tasksetFileToBeReadAndPrinted>
                              A taskset file to be read and printed. This
                                option ignores other options.
  -V, --version               Display version info.
  • Example
  1. A minimal use (which generates a taskset of 5 tasks):

Example output:

#TaskSet 1:
	Task-3: p=950, c=98, pri=1, offset=466, f=10.53
	Task-1: p=780, c=44, pri=2, offset=564, f=12.82
	Task-5: p=290, c=27, pri=3, offset=181, f=34.48
	Task-4: p=140, c=14, pri=4, offset=68, f=71.43
	Task-2: p=120, c=19, pri=5, offset=23, f=83.33
  1. Use an existing configuration file to generate tasksets:
out/bin/rttaskgen -i sampleLogs/100tasks_per_condition.rttaskgen -o sampleLogs/output.tasksets
  1. Read and print a taskset in a readable way:
out/bin/rttaskgen -r sampleLogs/5tasks.tasksets
  1. Create a configuration file based on default settings:
out/bin/rttaskgen -c sampleLogs/default.rttaskgen
  • Configuration File (*.rttaskgen)
    "dataType":"rtTaskGen settings",
  • Taskset Output (*.tasksets)
   "dataType":"single taskset",

Command - rtsim

  • Usage
Usage: rtsim [-bhvV] -d=<simDuration> -i=<taskInputFile>
             [-l=<optionLadderDiagramWidth>] -p=<schedulingPolicy>
  -b, --bibs                  Output busy intervals as binary string.
  -d, --duration=<simDuration>
                              Simulation duration in 0.1ms (e.g., 10 is 1ms).
  -h, --help                  Display this help message.
  -i, --in=<taskInputFile>    A file that contains taskset parameters.
  -l, --ladder=<optionLadderDiagramWidth>
                              Applicable for xlsx format. Width of a ladder
  -o, --out=<outputFilePathAndFormat>
                              File names (including their formats) for schedule
                                simulation output. The output format is
                                determined by the given file extension: ".
                                xlsx", ".txt", ".rtschedule".
  -p, --policy=<schedulingPolicy>
                              Scheduling policy ("EDF" or "RM").
  -v, --evar                  Enable execution time variation.
  -V, --version               Display version info.
  • Schedule Output Format (*.rtschedule)

   "dataType":"rtSim raw schedule",
  • Example
  1. A minimal use:
out/bin/rtsim -i sampleLogs/5tasks.tasksets -p EDF -d 1000