
This script monitors the noegig website for new places (Gemeinden) where fibre optics will be rolled out in Lower-Austria. When new places were found, it will notify me via Telegram.

You have to create a file called in the same directory as the and fill in your chat_id from telegram, as well as the token from your Telegram Bot (can easily be created:

It should look like this:

chat_id = 1234567
token = "7654321:8d67f7fvs8r6fsd78fgsdr7_sdf4"

How to get my chat_id?

  1. open this url in your browser. Use your Bot Token (it's the long token)<yourtoken>/getUpdates
  2. send a message to your bot
  3. Refresh the site and look at the result. You should see your chat id

if you want to run this script in a docker container, this is what you'll have to do:

docker build -t "noegig-telegram-notification:v1" .
docker run --restart=always noegig-telegram-notification:v1

If you want to learn more about the noegig project visit their site: