
Turn SQLAlchemy DB Model into a graph.

See http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/wiki/UsageRecipes/SchemaDisplay


1.4 - Unreleased

  • Set dir kwarg in Edge instantiation to 'both' in order to show arrow heads and arrow tails. [bkrn - Aaron Di Silvestro]
  • Add 'show_column_keys' kwarg to 'create_schema_graph' to allow a PK/FK suffix to be added to columns that are primary keys/foreign keys respectively [cchrysostomou - Constantine Chrysostomou]
  • Add 'restrict_tables' kwarg to 'create_schema_graph' to restrict the desired tables we want to generate via graphviz and show relationships for [cchrysostomou - Constantine Chrysostomou]

1.3 - 2016-01-27

  • Fix warning about illegal attribute in uml generation by using correct attribute. [electrocucaracha - Victor Morales]
  • Use MIT license [fschulze]

1.2 - 2014-03-02

  • Compatibility with SQLAlchemy 0.9. [fschulze]
  • Compatibility with SQLAlchemy 0.8. [Surgo - Kosei Kitahara]
  • Leave tables out even when a foreign key points to them but they are not in the table list. [tiagosab - Tiago Saboga]

1.1 - 2011-10-12

  • New option to skip inherited attributes. [nouri]
  • Quote class name, because some names like 'Node' confuse dot. [nouri - Daniel Nouri]

1.0 - 2011-01-07

  • Initial release [fschulze - Florian Schulze]
  • Original releases as recipe on SQLAlchemy Wiki by Ants Aasma