
Ansible role to install and configure stunnel on Windows.

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Install and configure stunnel on Windows.

Role Variables

Use the following variables to configure stunnel. Configuration values that should be a literal "yes" or "no" should be specified as strings instead of YAML boolean values.

  • stunnel_global_options: A dictionary of global options for stunnel.conf. Default is {}, which does not specify any global options.
  • stunnel_services: A dictionary of services to configure in stunnel.conf. The value of each service entry should be a dictionary of configuration options and values for that service. Default is {}, which does not define any services. At least one service should be defined.

The following variables may be used for more advanced configuration:

  • stunnel_conf_template: Specify an alternate template to use to configure stunnel. The default is "stunnel.conf.j2", which builds a configuration based on stunnel_global_options and stunnel_services defined above.
  • stunnel_download_url: Specify an alternate URL to download the stunnel installer; default is "https://www.stunnel.org/downloads/stunnel-5.41-win32-installer.exe".
  • stunnel_force_install: Force installation of stunnel even if registry keys indicate it is already installed; Default is false.

Example Playbook

The following example playbook installs stunnel and adds a service to forward unencrypted local SMTP connections on port 2525 to smtp.gmail.com port 465:

- hosts: windows
    - role: cchurch.win-stunnel
          client: 'yes'
          accept: 2525
          connect: smtp.gmail.com:465
          delay: 'yes'



Author Information

Chris Church chris@ninemoreminutes.com