
This project was completed in junior year in April 2019. My level is limited. There may be bugs in the project. Welcome to propose solutions.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


UI interface is Chinese, English version will be uploaded to this repository in the future.
All functions have been integrated in mainRUN.py
This project was completed in junior year in April 2019.
My level is limited. There may be bugs in the project. Welcome to propose solutions.

packages you need to install:

python >= 3.6
freetype-py(optional):if you need to put chinese text
navicat(optional):if you are not familiar with mysql shell operation

edit source code:

1.you need to install msqlservice and then edit the code in mainRUN like this "db = pymysql.connect("localhost", "root", "mysql105", "facerecognition")".
2.you need to import the identified objects in the database through the visual database software navicat if you are not familiar with mysql operation.
3.you need to download shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat-- put into /02 Main path
4. you need to download openface_nn4.small2.v1.t7 into /02 Main/face_detection_model path
3.you need to move photos of user into dataset/XX if the photos taked not in these file.
4.you need to generator train_model.
5.have fun!

Please indicate the source if reprinted.

About more details

Please view this blog:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_39653948/article/details/89291751.