A Frogger-esque game for CS201L's group project
Since we're all running on our own localhost, if anyone wants to check / play around / start adding their parts of the project on top of this, run the DatabaseTest file through your instance of MySQL (since we're all currently on localhost). Eventually we will only need one person to setup the database and we can all access it from there. Note that your MySQL username/password combo will have to be: user=root password=root to work unmodified - If you plan on changing the values in Login.java, see the KPTODO comment
Update: I cloned the updated repo into a different workspace and it worked fine. For reference: https://github.com/collab-uniba/socialcde4eclipse/wiki/How-to-import-a-GitHub-project-into-Eclipse
How to build: Linux or bash: Run "./gradlew html:dist" Windows: Run "gradlew.bat html:dist"
Files to serve: Files are located in "html/build/dist"
Game still needs object spawner and collision