
Experiments with Hierarchical Data Distribution with Kafka

Primary LanguageGnuplotMIT LicenseMIT


Experiments with Hierarchical Data Distribution with Kafka


Ideally, the experiments are executed on two hosts:

  • host1 runs the Kafka cluster
  • host2 runs the client
 ┌───────────────┐          ┌───────────────┐
 │               │          │               │
 │    host1      │   ssh    │    host2      │
 │               │◄─────────┤               │
 │ Kakfa cluster │          │ Kakfa clients │
 │               │          │               │
 └───────────────┘          └───────────────┘

The experiments are started on host2. When executing the scripts, the address of host1 is specified via the environment variable REMOTEHOST. Both hosts are required to have a working Internet connection (host1: to download the Kafka/Zookeepr Docker images; host2: to clone this git repo).


On host1:

  1. Install Docker Compose, e.g., with Ubuntu:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y docker-compose
  1. Enable root access via SSH from host1. This can be done by creating a new SSH key with no password (ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f newkey -q -N "") and then copying newkey.pub (public part) in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys while associating newkey (private part) with host2 on host1

  2. Make sure that host2 can create enough SSH connections to host1. This depends on the configuration of your system. Tips: raise MaxSessions in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and disable/fine-tune PAM and fail2ban (if installed).

On host2:

  1. Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/ccicconetti/kafka-hdd.git
  1. Download the Kafka binaries:
wget -O- https://dlcdn.apache.org/kafka/3.4.1/kafka_2.13-3.4.1.tgz | tar xfz -
  1. Export the environment variables KAFKA_DIR and REMOTEHOST which are used by some of the scripts (for the latter use the real IP address of host2):
export KAFKA_DIR=$PWD/kafka_2.13-3.4.1
  1. Install kafkacat:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y kafkacat
  1. Verify that all the requirements are met with:
  1. Make sure python3 and python2 are installed. The former is used by the scripts bundled in this repo, while the latter is used by a script downloaded on demand only for the post-processing of the results.

Calibration experiments

You can replicate the calibration experiments as follows:

cd graphs
python3 ../allocation/calibration.py

This will produce a number of *.dat files, which can be plotted with Gnuplot:

gnuplot -persist calibration-P.plt
gnuplot -persist calibration-b.plt


If you use this software in a scientific publication, please cite the following work:

Theofanis P. Raptis, Claudio Cicconetti, Andrea Passarella,
Efficient topic partitioning of Apache Kafka for high-reliability real-time data streaming applications,
Future Generation Computer Systems,
Volume 154, 2024, Pages 173-188,