I'm a filmmaker and game developer who makes non-profit projects in my spare time. My game Synonymy was showcased at E3 2015 and featured at GDC.
Cinq-Mars Media
Pinned Repositories
A non-profit app designed to make help the deaf communicate in person and over the phone
Built on stockfish and kingdomJS, Caissa simulates AI chess matches and analyzes/logs data on the results
GitHub Pages for ccj242
A TwitterBot that tweets local adoptions from PetFinder
SMS Tactics is an experimental texting game by the creator of Synonymy about communication and manipulation
A non-profit app designed to help those with colitis and crohns identify sugar alcohols
Synonymy is a non-profit, educational word game narrated by Richard Dawkins in which players are challenged to find the paths between random words through their network of synonyms
TypeMyMusic is the best, free, music composing font on the web.Compose scores, even ones with a grand staff, in your favorite text-editor of choice. Ideal for hobbyists and students alike looking for a free, easy to learn, easy to use alternative to Sibelius and Finale. Developed by Christopher Cinq-Mars Jarvis and music teacher Jocelyn Kraus.
A simple and fun twitter game where you guess which celebrity tweeted what!
An intelligent mix of hangman and mastermind, Word Unknown exercises both lexical and deductive logic. Available free online or on app stores.
ccj242's Repositories
Synonymy is a non-profit, educational word game narrated by Richard Dawkins in which players are challenged to find the paths between random words through their network of synonyms
TypeMyMusic is the best, free, music composing font on the web.Compose scores, even ones with a grand staff, in your favorite text-editor of choice. Ideal for hobbyists and students alike looking for a free, easy to learn, easy to use alternative to Sibelius and Finale. Developed by Christopher Cinq-Mars Jarvis and music teacher Jocelyn Kraus.
A non-profit app designed to make help the deaf communicate in person and over the phone
A non-profit app designed to help those with colitis and crohns identify sugar alcohols
A TwitterBot that tweets local adoptions from PetFinder
Built on stockfish and kingdomJS, Caissa simulates AI chess matches and analyzes/logs data on the results
GitHub Pages for ccj242
SMS Tactics is an experimental texting game by the creator of Synonymy about communication and manipulation
A simple and fun twitter game where you guess which celebrity tweeted what!
An intelligent mix of hangman and mastermind, Word Unknown exercises both lexical and deductive logic. Available free online or on app stores.