Author: Zhengjia Cao
Design: Created a game of Curling Balls. The players can control the force and angle to push the ball. The player that managed to push the ball closest to the central circle wins.
Screen Shot:
How To Play:
Use the up/down key to increase or decrease the force used to push the ball. Left click will trigger ball movement of the current player. The ball will be pushed towards the current mouse pointer location. Try to hit the other player's ball away from the center! However, your enemy is going to capture your ball if the ball lays on his paddle. Be careful with the strength used!
referenced for creating central ball & structure organization.
- Sometimes the winning signal is not updated
- The ball sometimes move in a wierd way that is not directly along the line from the ball to the pointer (but still in the same direction...kind of)
This game was built with NEST.