
Simple systemd file and accompanying python script to send an smtp email through gmail when server starts/restarts

Primary LanguagePython

Email On Start

Simple systemd service file to use in ubuntu and other linux distributions. Runs emailstart.py and sends an e-mail using Google smtp server when server/service is started/restarted.

You will need to create a symlink of email_on_start.service in the systemd configuration files:

sudo ln -s <repo_dir>/email_on_start.service /etc/systemd/system/.

You should also edit that service file to set up the following environment variables:


and these flags to use the actual working directory and files:

WorkingDirectory=/home/ria/email-on-start ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /home/ria/email-on-start/emailstart.py

then, you should enable your service:

sudo systemctl enable email_on_start

This is not meant to be a terribly reusable script, just thought I'd share. If you need to change the subject or email message contents, you should edit emailstart.py directly.