
:jack_o_lantern: colorsys-go is a go package(or lib) for everyone to transform one color system to another. The transformation is among RGB, YIQ, HLS and HSV.

Primary LanguageGo


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What is colorsys-go

colorsys-go is a go package(or lib) for everyone to transform one color system to another. The transformation is among RGB, YIQ, HLS and HSV.

The repertory MosaicImage has use the package correctly.


go get github.com/cckuailong/colorsys-go


import "github.com/cckuailong/colorsys-go"

How to use it

Parameter Range

All inputs and outputs are three floats in the range [0.0...1.0] (with the exception of I and Q, which covers a slightly larger range also with the exception of R, G and B, which range from 0 to 255 also with the exception of H, which range from 0 to 360).

range of each parameter
R, G, B :    0 ~ 255
I, Q :      -1 ~ 1.X
H :          0 ~ 360
Y, S, V, L : 0 ~ 1


  1. RGB to YIQ
y, i, q := colorsys.Rgb2Yiq(r, g, b)
  1. YIQ to RGB
r, g, b := colorsys.Yiq2Rgb(y, i, q)
  1. RGB to HLS
h, l, s := colorsys.Rgb2Hls(r, g, b)
  1. HLS to RGB
r, g, b := colorsys.Hls2Rgb(h, l, s)
  1. RGB to HSV
h, s, v := colorsys.Rgb2Hsv(r, g, b)
  1. HSV to RGB
r, g, b := colorsys.Hsv2Rgb(h, s, v)
  1. Yiq to Hls
h, l, s := colorsys.Yiq2Hls(y, i, q)
  1. YIQ to HSV
h, s, v := colorsys.Yiq2Hsv(y, i, q)
  1. HLS to YIQ
y, i, q := colorsys.Hls2Yiq(h, l, s)
  1. HLS to HSV
h, s, v := colorsys.Hls2Hsv(h, l, s)
  1. HSV to YIQ
y, i, q := colorsys.Hsv2Yiq(h, s, v)
  1. HSV to HLS
h, l, s := colorsys.Hsv2Hls(h, s, v)


Any questions, welcome to email me at 346813862Hjj@gmail.com

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