
A modern recreation of the classic "Blinkenlights" poster, as described in The Jargon File.


A modern recreation of the classic "Blinkenlights" poster, as described in The Jargon File.

I'm not particularly fluent in legalese, but I believe the original ideas and text of the "blinkenlights" faxlore, as well as its incarnation in a poster format, to be in the public domain.

I have set this text in a more contemporary font to try and maintain its simplicity and suitability in modern contexts. I have also made some slight adjustments to the wording in the text to improve the tone and remove some dated, potentially insensitive language.

The text reads as follows:


Alles turisten und nonteknischen lookenpeepers!

Das Komputermaschine ist nicht für der gefingerpoken und mittengraben! Oderwise ist easy to schnappen der springenwerk, blowenfusen und poppencorken mit spitzensparken.

Ist nicht für gewerken beï dummkopfen. Der rubbernecken sightseeren keepen das schnausenpicken hander in das pockets muss.

Zo relaxen und watschen der blinkenlichten.

The document is available in ODT and PDF formats, in both US Letter and A4 paper sizes.

Both color and black and white versions have been produced.

I hope this brings the same joy to your server room as it does to mine.