Awesome design patterns
A curated list of software and architecture related design patterns.
Software design pattern - A software design pattern is a general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design. It is a description or template for how to solve a problem that can be used in many different situations.
- GoF design patterns
- General Architecture
- Cloud Architecture
- Micro services & Decentralized Systems
- Internet of things
- Big Data
- Databases
- Docker and DevOps
- Mobile
- Front End Development
- Security
- Books
- Videos
- Miscellaneous
GoF design patterns (Language/Framework specifc)
- [Angular]
- [Cat]
- [C#]
- [C++]
- [Go]
- [Java]
- [JavaScript]
- [Kotlin]
- [PHP]
- [Python]
- [React]
- [Ruby]
- [Scala]
- [Swift]
- [TypeScript]
General Architecture
- 10 common architectural patterns - 10 Common software architectural patterns in a nutshell.
- reactive design patterns - This website accompanies the book Reactive Design Patterns by Roland Kuhn.
- Scalable System Design Patterns - Scalable system design techniques.
- martin fowler - Catalog of Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture.
- system-design-primer - Design large-scale systems.
Cloud Architecture
- AWS cloud design patterns - The AWS Cloud Design Patterns (CDP).
- Azure cloud design patterns - Building reliable, scalable, secure applications in the cloud.
- cloud patterns - A community site dedicated to documenting a master patterns catalog.
- cloud computing patterns - Cloud Computing Patterns.
- serverless - Serverless Architecture: Five Design Patterns.
- serverless - Patterns for Solving Problems in Serverless Architectures.
Micro services & Decentralized Systems
- microservice patterns - A community site dedicated to documenting a master patterns catalog.
- Microservices - A pattern language for microservices.
- microservices-anti patterns - Microservices antipatterns and pitfalls.
- 12factor - The twelve-factor methodology.
- microservices-sync-vs-async - Microservices patterns, synchronous and asynchronous.
- message-queues - Comparing-message-queue-architectures.
- Enterprise Integration Patterns - Patterns and Best Practices for Enterprise Integration.
Internet of things
- iot-communication-patterns - Strengths and Weaknesses of IoT Communication Patterns.
- design-patterns-for-iot - A Design Pattern Framework for IoT Architecture.
Big Data
- bigdatapatterns - A community site dedicated to documenting a master patterns catalog.
- mapreduce-patterns - Map-reduce patterns.
- streaming-realtime-analytics - 13 Stream Processing Patterns for building Streaming and Realtime Applications.
- [SQL]
- database tenancy patterns - Multi-tenant SaaS database tenancy patterns
- databaseanswers - Industry-specific SQL Data Models in 50 categories.
- database-programmer - Table-design-patterns.
- red-gate - five simple database design errors you should avoid.
- talend - Data model design best practices.
- sqlcheck - Anti-patterns in SQL queries.
- nosql resilience patterns - Practical NoSQL resilience design pattern for the enterprise.
- nosql-patterns - Pragmatic Programming Techniques.
- mongodb - Mongodb design patterns.
Docker and DevOps
- containerspatterns - There are a Thousand Ways to Use Containers.
- container-anti-patterns - 10 containers anti-patterns.
- Kubernetes - Kubernetes Production Patterns.
- container-design-patterns - Container Design Patterns for Kubernetes Pods Design.
- pattern-and-anti-pattern-cicd - Pattern and anti-pattern cicd.
- [ios]
- [Android]
- androidpatterns - Interaction patterns that can help you design Android apps.
- design-patterns-for-android - Common Design Patterns for Android.
Front-End Development
- User Interface - User Interface Design patterns.
- smacss - Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS.
- css-protips - A collection of tips to help take your CSS skills pro.
- martinfowler - GUI Architectures.
- opensecurityarchitecture - Security Architecture Patterns.
- [martinfowler] - Web-security-basics.
- cloud-security - Cloud security architecture intro.
- owasp - Security by Design Principles.
- azure-security - Azure security best practices and patterns.
- MongoDB Applied Design Patterns
- Design-Patterns-Elements-Reusable-Object-Oriented
- Head-First-Design-Patterns-Brain-Friendly
- Effective-Java-3rd-Joshua-Bloch
- [Node.js Design Patterns] (
- [TODO]
Other Awesome Lists
- Other amazingly awesome lists can be found in the awesome list.
- Your contributions are always welcome! Please read the contribution guidelines first.
To the extent possible under law, Dov Amir has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.