
Azure Active Directory library for Go

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Azure Active Directory library for Go

This project provides a stand alone Azure Active Directory library for Go, that is used also by the go-autorest project, which is the core of azure-sdk-for-go library.

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go get -u github.com/ccojocar/adal


An Active Directory application is required in order to use this library. This application can be registered in the Azure Portal following these guidelines or using the Azure CLI.

Register an Azure AD Application with secret

  1. Register a new application with a secret credential

    az ad app create \
       --display-name example-app \
       --homepage https://example-app/home \
       --identifier-uris https://example-app/app \
       --password secret
  2. Create a service principal using the Application ID from previous step

    az ad sp create --id "Application ID"
    • Replace Application ID with appId from step 1.

Register an Azure AD Application with certificate

  1. Create a private key

    openssl genrsa -out "example-app.key" 2048
  2. Create the certificate

    openssl req -new -key "example-app.key" -subj "/CN=example-app" -out "example-app.csr"
    openssl x509 -req -in "example-app.csr" -signkey "example-app.key" -out "example-app.crt" -days 10000
  3. Create the PKCS12 version of the certificate containing also the private key

    openssl pkcs12 -export -out "example-app.pfx" -inkey "example-app.key" -in "example-app.crt" -passout pass:
  4. Register a new application with the certificate content form example-app.crt

    certificateContents="$(tail -n+2 "example-app.crt" | head -n-1)"
    az ad app create \
       --display-name example-app \
       --homepage https://example-app/home \
       --identifier-uris https://example-app/app \
       --key-usage Verify --end-date 2018-01-01 \
       --key-value "${certificateContents}"
  5. Create a service principal using the Application ID from previous step

    az ad sp create --id "APPLICATION_ID"
    • Replace APPLICATION_ID with appId from step 4.

Grant the necessary permissions

Azure relies on a Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) model to manage the access to resources at a fine-grained level. There is a set of pre-defined roles which can be assigned to a service principal of an Azure AD application depending of your needs.

az role assignment create --assigner "SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID" --role "ROLE_NAME"
  • Replace the SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID with the appId from previous step.
  • Replace the ROLE_NAME with a role name of your choice.

It is also possible to define custom role definitions.

az role definition create --role-definition role-definition.json
  • Check custom roles for more details regarding the content of role-definition.json file.

Acquire Access Token

The common configuration used by all flows:

const activeDirectoryEndpoint = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/"
tenantID := "TENANT_ID"
oauthConfig, err := adal.NewOAuthConfig(activeDirectoryEndpoint, tenantID)

applicationID := "APPLICATION_ID"

callback := func(token adal.Token) error {
    // This is called after the token is acquired

// The resource for which the token is acquired
resource := "https://management.core.windows.net/"
  • Replace the TENANT_ID with your tenant ID.
  • Replace the APPLICATION_ID with the value from previous section.

Client Credentials

applicationSecret := "APPLICATION_SECRET"

// Set up the configuration of the service principal
spt, err := adal.NewServicePrincipalToken(
if err != nil {
	return nil, err

// Evectively acqurie the token
err  = spt.Refresh()
if err == nil {
    token := spt.Token
  • Replace the APPLICATION_SECRET with the password value from previous section.

Client Certificate

certificatePath := "./example-app.pfx"

certData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(certificatePath)
if err != nil {
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read the certificate file (%s): %v", certificatePath, err)

// Get the certificate and private key from pfx file
certificate, rsaPrivateKey, err := decodePkcs12(certData, "")
if err != nil {
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode pkcs12 certificate while creating spt: %v", err)

// Set up the configuration of the service principal
spt, err := adal.NewServicePrincipalTokenFromCertificate(

// Evectively acqurie the token
err  = spt.Refresh()
if err == nil {
    token := spt.Token
  • Update the certificate path to point to the example-app.pfx file which was created in previous section.

Device Code

oauthClient := &http.Client{}

// Acquire the device code
deviceCode, err := adal.InitiateDeviceAuth(
if err != nil {
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to start device auth flow: %s", err)

// Display the authentication message

// Wait here until the user is authenticated
token, err := adal.WaitForUserCompletion(oauthClient, deviceCode)
if err != nil {
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to finish device auth flow: %s", err)

spt, err := adal.NewServicePrincipalTokenFromManualToken(

if err == nil {
    token := spt.Token

Managed Service Identity

You can retrieve a token with this flow on a VM which support MSI extension.

Client Token

// Get the MSI endpoint accoriding with the OS (Linux/Windows)
msiEndpoint, err := adal.GetMSIVMEndpoint()
if err != nil {
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to get the MSI endpoint. Error: %v", err)

// Set up the configuration of the service principal
spt, err := adal.NewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSI(msiEndpoint, resource, callbacks...)
if err != nil {
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to acquire a token using the MSI VM extension. Error: %v", err)

// Evectively acqurie the token
err = spt.Refresh()
if err == nil {
    token := spt.Token

User Token

It is possible to request a token with user context using MSI. You just have to provide the user ID.

// Get the MSI endpoint accoriding with the OS (Linux/Windows)
msiEndpoint, err := adal.GetMSIVMEndpoint()
if err != nil {
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to get the MSI endpoint. Error: %v", err)

// The ID of the user for whom the token is requested
userAssignedID := <USER ID>

// Set up the configuration of the service principal
spt, err := adal.NewServicePrincipalTokenFromMSIWithUserAssignedID((msiEndpoint, resource, userAssignedID, callbacks...)
if err != nil {
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to acquire a token using the MSI VM extension. Error: %v", err)

// Evectively acqurie the token
err = spt.Refresh()
if err == nil {
    token := spt.Token

Command Line Tool

A command line tool is available in cmd/adal.go that can acquire a token for a given resource. It supports all flows mentioned above.

adal -h

Usage of ./adal:
  -applicationId string
        application id
  -certificatePath string
        path to pk12/PFC application certificate
  -mode string
        authentication mode (device, secret, cert, refresh, "msi") (default "device")
  -resource string
        resource for which the token is requested
  -secret string
        application secret
  -tenantId string
        tenant id
  -tokenCachePath string
        location of oath token cache (default "/home/cgc/.adal/accessToken.json")

Example acquire a token for https://management.core.windows.net/ using device code flow:

adal -mode device \
    -applicationId "APPLICATION_ID" \
    -tenantId "TENANT_ID" \
    -resource https://management.core.windows.net/