New York Times Reader

Keep up on the current top articles at the NYT...

Table of Contents


The New York Times reader gives a user the ability to see today's top articles, filter the articles by category and view article details and link to full article. App was completed in 4-6 hours as a take home challenege.


React Cypress JSX NPM HTML5 CSS3 Figma VSCode


To run locally:

  1. Clone this repo down to your local machine: here
  2. On the command line, type: npm install
  3. On the command line, type: npm start
  4. Visit http://localhost:3000/

Site Overview

Scroll down for screenshots:

Figma Planning

Screen Shot 2022-02-24 at 4 34 16 PM

Screen Shot 2022-02-24 at 4 34 09 PM

Home Page

Screen Shot 2022-02-24 at 4 37 32 PM

Details Page

Screen Shot 2022-02-24 at 4 38 19 PM


Screen Shot 2022-02-24 at 4 41 08 PM

Future Improvements

  • An improvement I would make is to fully test all user flows.
  • Make the filter method a live filter and possibly add other filter options.
  • Add React Router to go to the modal pages when article details are clicked.
  • Further improve the design of the application.


Carly Collums GH
Carly Collums