Cairo development environment Container Requires a functional docker setup
# Step 1:
# Rename env.sample file to env
mv env.sample env
# Step 2
# Fill up the volumne details ($STORAGE_DIR and $MOUNTPOINT_DIR)
STORAGE_DIR="path the directory you want to share with your container"
# Usage
./vm-upsert # Completely handles the life cycle of the containers and images by:
# 1. Fully reset dev environment and connects to container
# 2. Preemptively stops and destroys containers and images
# 3. Preemptively creates and starts containers
# 4. Connects to fresh container
# Granularly available helpers
./vm-connect # connects to the build and running container [Requires successful vm-start]
./vm-create # discards image build and creates it again [Can be run independently]
./vm-destroy # stops container or destroys containers depending on state [Requires a vm-start or vm-create]
./vm-start # starts built container [Requires successful vm-create]