
Small private cluster

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Travis state

Small private cluster

Original vision

This repository contains a self-sufficient configuration allowing to set-up a small private cluster to deploy, manage and host your common linux-based web applications.

The original goal was to scatter many applications across a cluster by pairs of nodes: one active node where the application runs and one passive node where data is replicated. Each node can then be an active node for an application and a passive node for another one, so that applications can be quickly moved to their passive node, to balance the load across the cluster.

It is designed with the following goals in mind:

  • Open source : configuration and all components provided and open-source
  • Masterless : every node at the same level - no single point of failure
  • Generic : should support any linux-based web application with any database
  • Affordable : should allow to build a low-cost hosting/CI infrastructure
  • Replicated : data should be replicated on at least two nodes
  • Snapshotted : applications can be instantaneously rollbacked to an earlier state (last hour, last day, last week, etc.)
  • Good performance : no overhead compared to a typical legacy hosting infrastructure
  • Easily maintained : cluster nodes can be easily maintained and replaced
  • Flexible : applications can be quickly moved to another host
  • Secure : applications should be protected by automated TLS certificates
  • Automated : no manual action on the nodes should be required
  • Multitenant : external people can also deploy applications
  • Monitored : light monitoring should be included
  • Extendable : new nodes can be easily added (or removed)
  • Easily configurable : simple applications should be described by a single file
  • User friendly : nice user interface to manage the applications

We are not talking about a large googlesque public cloud of stateless applications, but a small private cluster of common applications used by most companies, such as Wordpress, Drupal, Moodle, Odoo, Nextcloud, Gitlab, etc.

Current implementation

The current implementation is based on the following components :

How does it work?

Several nodes of the cluster should be registered as a round-robin DNS under a common name, such as cluster.yourdomain.tld. Applications should then be registered as a CNAME of cluster.yourdomain.tld. A requests can hit any of the nodes, it will be TCP-redirected by HAProxy to the node where the application lives. Another HAProxy then forwards the requests to a local Caddy reverse proxy which automatically manages the TLS certificates. The Caddy finally forwards the request to the expected Docker container inside the node. To deploy an application, you just send a JSON message to Consul, which transmits the message to all nodes of the cluster. Each node separately handles the message with a custom Python handler and take the appropriate decision, such as stopping an application, pulling the new version, moving the volumes to the right node, starting the application on the correct node, registering application metadata in the key-value store of Consul, or setting up the monitoring for the application. Cooperation between nodes is achieved through reads and writes of expirable locking informations in the key-value store. Each application is started on an active node and its volumes are asynchronously replicated on a passive node with Buttervolume, which also periodically snapshot the volumes, allowing to rollback to a previous state. This allows to quicly move any application to its passive node with a few seconds downtime at most. Applications thus live on a single node as they would run on a standalone machine, but are scatered through the cluster and replicated on at least two nodes.

Future improvements

  • Allow to load-balance eligible applications on several nodes
  • Allow to setup a synchronous database replication on several nodes
  • Design a nice user interface to manage deployments, snaphots, volume, and so on
  • Include a gitlab (or other forge) configuration with a docker registry
  • ...

Cluster management

Basic actions


  • Make sure /var/lib/buttervolume/ is on a BTRFS partition or subvolume

  • First install the buttervolume plugin for docker separately:

    $ sudo mkdir /var/lib/buttervolume/{config,ssh}
    $ docker plugin install anybox/buttervolume

Check it is running:

$ docker plugin ls
  • overwrite command and environment variables in docker-compose.yml with a docker-compose.override.yml that may looks like:

    version: '3'
        command: ["agent", "-server", "-retry-join=", "-retry-join=", "-retry-join=", "-ui", "-bootstrap-expect=3"]
            CONSUL_BIND_INTERFACE: eth1
  • During the first run of the consul cluster, you should add "-bootstrap" in one of the nodes, then remove it when a leader is elected

  • Then start caddy, haproxy and consul:

    $ popd
    $ docker-compose up -d
  • buttervolume ssh configuration

  • caddy /srv maintenance page volume configuration

  • consul ssh configuration

Rebuild and restart

$ docker-compose up -d --build


Same in reverse order:

$ docker-compose down
$ cd buttervolume
$ docker-compose down

Consul web UI

The consul web UI runs on on the host, through the consul docker running in host network_driver mode. To access it from outside, create a ssh tunnel:

$ ssh -L 8500:localhost:8500 user@node1.example.com
$ firefox localhost:8500

Deploy or move an app

connect on any node, then run this from the cluster/ directory:

docker-compose exec consul consul event -name=deploy '{"master": "<master_node>", "slave": "<slave_node>", "branch": "<branch_name>", "repo": "<repository_url>"}'

Example: deploy foobar on node1 and replicate on node2:

docker-compose exec consul consul event -name=deploy '{"master": "node1", "slave": "node2", "branch": "master", "repo": "ssh://git@gitlab.example.com/hosting/foobar"}

During deployment, volumes are automatically moved to the new master node.

Define a service

A service must be defined in a git repository in a docker-compose.yml file.

There are some special feature to manage redirect trafic to your container through environment variables:


    In the following example haproxy will redirect the traffic to the node where the master is deployed, on the master node, haproxy will send the traffic to the central caddyserver. So the CADDYFILE should looks likes to a Caddyfile configuration:

    version: '3'
          CADDYFILE: |
            http://test.example.com {
                proxy / http://$CONTAINER:80
            http://www.test.example.com {
                redir http://test.example.com
        build: wordpress
        restart: unless-stopped
          - wwwdata:/var/www/html
          - socket:/var/run/mysqld/
          - cluster_default


$CONTAINER will be replaced by the consul handler while deploying the service by the name of the container.


You must link the container to the cluster_default network


Some default settings are added by the handler if not set likes logging, etc...


    The intent of this variable is to manage haproxy configuration to avoid running over the central caddyserver:

       image: panubo/sshd
          HAPROXY: '{
              "ssh-config-name": {
                "frontend": {
                  "mode": "tcp",
                  "bind": ["*:2222"]
                "backends": [{
                  "name": "ssh-service",
                  "use_backend_option": "",
                  "port": "22",
                  "peer_port": "2222"
          - cluster_default

    The above configuration should produce the following haproxy config:

    frontend front-ssh-config-name
        mode tcp
        bind *:2222
        use_backend backend-ssh-service
    backend backend-ssh-service
        mode tcp
        server node1 sshservice_container_name:22


You must link the container to the cluster_default network

HAPROXY can be a yaml or json format (as far python yaml.load car parse json) so a more exhaustive config may looks like this:

    - name: another.example.com
      use_backend_option: "if { hdr(host) -i another.example.com }"
      port: 80
      peer_port: 80
    mode: tcp
      - "*:2222"
      - "test"
      - "test2"
    - name: ssh-service-wordpress2
      port: 22
      peer_port: 2222
      server_option: send_proxy
  • http-in and https-in are special values to manage HTTP (80) and HTTPS (443) ports. frontend configuration will be ignored, you needs to write the configuration in the haproxy.cfg.tmpl. Otherwhise ssh-config-name will be the name of the frontend in the haproxy configuration. It MUST be unique over services (different docker-compose.yml).


If a frontend name is the same over services in the same docker-compose.yml frontend options, bind and backends are aggregated.

  • frontend: define frontend configuration. Required if config name is not one of http-in, https-in.

  • backends (required): a list of backend
    • use_backend_option (optional, you sould provide it in case of http-in or https-in): options added in the frontend part to properly select the current backend. Learn more on haproxy documentation.
    • port (required): listening service port
    • peer_port (ingnored in swarm keys, required otherwise): listening port by haproxy while forwarding traffic to another host
    • server_option: add options to the server directive which forward traffic to the service or other nodes, refer to the haproxy server and default server options.
    • options (optional): a list of valid backend options to add to the current backend. one line per item.
    • ct (required in swarm keys, ignored otherwise (overwrite by the handler)): the docker container name or swarm service where the application is running (the "proxified" serivce) that should handle traffic.

an other more example assuming swarm/test_key key with the following values setup for a swarm service called test which listen on port 22 that should handle tcp requests publicly exposed on 2222:

  "haproxy": {
    "ssh-config-name": {
      "frontend": {
        "mode": "tcp",
        "bind": [
        "options": [
          "option socket-stats",
          "option tcplog"
      "backends": [
          "name": "ssh-service",
          "server_option": "resolvers dns check inter 3s",
          "port": "22",
          "peer_port": "2222",
          "ct": "test",
          "options": [
            "option tcp-check"

which will render the following HaProxy config:

frontend swarm-front-ssh-config-name
    mode tcp
    option socket-stats
    option tcplog
    bind *:2222
    use_backend swarm-backend-ssh-service

backend swarm-backend-ssh-service
    mode tcp
    option tcp-check"
    server swarm_service test:22 resolvers dns check inter 3s
  • CONSUL_CHECK_URLS: Consul can check if the service is healthy. By default the handler introspect your CADDYFILE environment to add checks. You can use this one to add extra check or if you are using only HAPROXY config.


    If you provide a service.json it will overwrite introspected checks and checks defined in CONSUL_CHECK_URLS


You may want to use both, this cluster to manage services deployed as peer with buttervolume replication and swarm for some other services.

Before configure service you should add the haproxy container to a swarm network (overlay).

You can add keys in consul to forward traffic to those services.

Visit the Consul web UI in the Key / Value store tab to add a key per service to define traffic to delegate to swarm.

Keys must be under /swarm root key.

The name of the key should be explicit to you, it's not used internally.

Value should be a dict which should can contains following keys:

  • domains: a list of domains to redirect HTTP / HTTPS traffic to a swarm proxy that redirect traffic to the good container (likes traefik). the proxy service MUST be called swarm_reverse.

and / or: * haproxy read HAPROXY environment variable from the previous chapter

Define a service to know the format. This allow you to directly forward traffics to your swarm services without the needs to use an other proxy to your services.

Local development environment

All docker containers can be used partially (not with ssl website) on the developer host.


You can use a self signed certificate by adding tls self_signed in the CADDYFILE environment variable in the docker-compose service.

You need to edit docker-compose.dev.yml and set the CONSUL_BIND_INTERFACE environment variable to define your local interface connected to your router/internet.


$ docker plugin install anybox/buttervolume
$ mkdir deploy
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml up -d --build

And you may have buttervolumeplugin/consul/caddy/haproxy on your personal host !

To deploy a website:

$ docker-compose exec consul consul event -name=deploy '{"master": "localhost.localdomain", "branch": "master", "repo": "https://gitlab.example.com/hosting/foobar"}'

Possibly replace localhost.localdomain with the hostname of your development machine.


Manually starting, stopping or building containers

If you need to manually manage compose projets on a cluster node, you should go to the ~/deploy folder and run compose commands as usually. The compose project name is already set in the .env file during deployment because the name of the folder contains the deployment date and does not correspond to the compose project name.

Caddyfile is wrong

Probably an error in the Caddyfile stored in the consul KV store.

Try to regenerate the Caddyfile or haproxy.cfg manually to detect the error:

$ ssh node1 -p 4022
$ cd cluster
$ docker-compose exec --user consul consul sh
$ cat /docker-entrypoint.sh
$ /bin/consul-template -once -template="/consul/template/caddy/Caddyfile.ctmpl:/consul/template/caddy/Caddyfile:/reload_caddy.sh"

Also try to open the web ui to quickly check the deployed parameters:

$ ssh -L 8500:localhost:8500 user@node1
$ firefox localhost:8500
- click on Key/Value → app
- You can change values, it should trigger the recompute of the Caddyfile and haproxy.cfg if something changed in the resulting file.
- WARNING if you make a syntax error the caddyfile won't be regenerated and you may block all future deployments, or even break all the cluster.

proxy protocol

Proxy protocol let send real client IP from the first packet header even it's an encrypted connection (like https).


send-proxy and accept-proxy are already set in haproxy. When setting send-proxy on haproxy configuration, the backend (the Caddy server) has to understand and accept the proxy protocol. (note: but in Caddy conf file once configured to listen to proxy protol that works even it received proper http / https)

Cahier de recette

cas à tester: * avec tout les serveurs ont accès à internet: * l'actuel master n'a pas accès à git * le futur master n'a pas d'accès git * le send ou la remonté du volume plante

Projet vide (volume, snapshot, container, projet git) 1. démarrage d'un nouveau projet sur 1 master avec un réplicat * nothing -> master * nothing -> slave * nothing -> nothing

2. inverse master / réplicat * master -> slave * slave -> master * nothing -> nothing

3. relance la même commande (redéploie sur le meme service) * master -> master * slave -> slave * nothing -> nothing

4. on passe sur le troisieme noeud sans réplicat * master -> nothing * slave -> nothing * nothing -> master

Quoi vérifier:

  • purges présentes
  • service consul
  • k/v store
  • projet git présent/absent
  • container présent/absent
  • volumes docker présent/absent
