
The treasure you're looking for may be here... :)

Treasure hunt

The treasure you're looking for may be here...

Table of content


  • BASSCSS: "Low-level CSS toolkit"
  • Bootstrap 4 Cheat Sheet: "A quick reference for Bootstrap v4.0.0-alpha.2"
  • Hover.css: "A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects to be applied to links, buttons, logos, SVG, featured images and so on"
  • SCUT: "SASS utilities for the frontend laborer"
  • SHRTHND: Input your expanded CSS, SHRTHND will shortened it. Powerful tool.
  • SMACSS: "One of the most useful contributions to front-end discussions in years"
  • Stitches: "An HTML5 sprite sheet generator"
  • The CSS Transitions Cheatsheet: "When it comes to CSS Transitions, you don't need a bazillion pages of content or even a book to quickly figure out something."
  • Yours?


  • Alertify.js: "Browser dialogs never looked so good"
  • Autocompeter: "A really fast AJAX autocomplete service and widget"
  • Fotorama: "A simple, stunning, powerful jQuery gallery"
  • FullPage.js: "Create Beautiful Fullscreen Scrolling Websites"
  • Headhesive.js: "An on-demand sticky header"
  • Headroom.js: "Give your pages some headroom. Hide your header until you need it"
  • iCheck: "Highly customizable checkboxes and radio buttons for jQuery and Zepto"
  • jQuery: "Write less. Do more."
  • jQuery DataTables: "Table plug-in for jQuery"
  • jQuery MatchHeight: "A more robust equal heights plugin for jQuery"
  • jQuery OnePage: "This plugin will allowed you to create a smooth one page design"
  • Numeral JS: "A javascript library for formatting and manipulating numbers"
  • Papa Parse: "The powerful, in-browser CSV parser for big boys and girls"
  • Tablesaw: "A set of jQuery plugins for responsive tables"
  • Select JS: "Styleable select elements"
  • Zepto.js: "A minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers with a largely jQuery-compatible API"
  • Yours?

UX Design

  • 52 weeks of UX: "A discourse on the process of designing for real people"
  • A list apart: "A List Apart explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices"
  • Adaptative path: "A passionate community"
  • Boxes and arrows: "Devoted to the practice, innovation, and discussion of design; including graphic design, interaction design, information architecture and the design of business"
  • Medium: "A list about UX"
  • UI Talks: "Find conference talks on anything related to UX design"
  • UX Booth: "Stories by and for user experience professionals"
  • UX Kingdom: "Content is king! A weekly e-mail with four links inside. Each e-mail will have a great video, an engaging article, a slick UX related product, and a fun wild card"
  • UX Magazine: "A free community resource exploring all facets of experience design"
  • UX Mind - User Experience Blog: "Recherche et pratique en Expérience Utilisateur"
  • UXMythes: "Build your website based on evidence, not false beliefs"
  • UX Podcast: "It’s not just for UXers, it’s for everyone with a foot in the digital door"
  • UX und Tollerei: "A weekly curated reading list of noteworthy articles, resources and news about the latest trends, techniques and insights from the UX community"

UX tools

  • Draw.io: Powerfull tool to draw charts.
  • UXPin: "UXPin is used by the best designers on the planet. Join them"
  • UX Recipe: "This project is a personal manifesto against the objectification of the term "UX". It's more than UI, it's more than a PSD file"

UI tools

  • Gravit: "Design Better, Collaborate Faster"


  • #DWMAJ: "Tout ce que tu trouves nous intéresse, tout ce que nous sommes, faisons, aimons en tant que DWM"


  • 365 PSD: "At the begining, 1 PSD/day during a year. Now, more than a million"
  • Entypo: "411 carefully crafted premium pictograms"
  • Flaticon: "The largest database of free vector icons"
  • Font Awesome: "The iconic font and CSS toolkit"
  • Glyphicon: "Precisely prepared monochromatic icons and symbols"
  • GlyphSearch: "Search icon engine in libraries (Font Awesome, Foundation, Glyhicons, IcoMoon, Ionicons, Material & Octicons"
  • The NounProject: "Creating, Sharing and Celebrating the World's Visual Language"
  • Vaadin Font Icons: "530 unique icons designed for web applications"
  • Yours?



  • Bootstrap: "The most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive"
  • Ratchet: "Build mobile apps with simple HTML‚ CSS‚ and JS components"
  • Zurb Foundation: "The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world"
  • Zurb Foundation for Apps: "The first front-end framework created for developing fully responsive web apps"
  • Yours?


  • Flat UI: "Free User Interface Kit based on Bootstrap"
  • Pingendo: "The simplest app for Bootstrap prototyping"


  • Hyhyhy: "A Ruby library for creating and outputting professional, business-looking (HTML5) presentations that can be viewed inside the browser!"



  • Bootsnipp: "Design elements, playground and code snippets for Bootstrap"
  • CSS-Tricks Code Snippets: "Over the years, despite the hokey name, CSS-Tricks has come to become a site about all things web design and development"
  • Yours?


  • Leaflet: "An Open-Source JavaScript Library for Mobile-Friendly Interactive Maps"
  • OpenLayers 3: "A high-performance, feature-packed library for all your mapping needs"
  • Yours?

Data viz


  • Awwwards: "The awards for design, creativity and innovation on the Internet"
  • Behance: "Showcase & Discover Creative Work"
  • Bootstrap Zero: "The largest open-source, free Bootstrap template collection"
  • Bootstrapious: "Beautiful Bootstrap themes for free"
  • Coroflot: "We help designers be great and do great things"
  • DesignM.ag: "A community-based website for web designers and developers"
  • Pinterest: "Découvrir et d'enregistrer des idées créatives à l'aide de signets visuels"
  • SpyreStudios: "Web-design and development magazine"
  • Themeforest: "18,370 Website Templates and Themes"
  • Web Design Ledger: "Written by web designers for web designers. The primary purpose of this site is to act as a platform for sharing web design related knowledge and resources"
  • {wrap}bootstrap: Themes & templates based on Bootstrap
  • Yours?




  • Adobe Color CC: Previously named Adobe Kuler
  • Coolors: "The super fast colour schemes generator for cool designers!"
  • Cohesive colors: "This is a tool that may help you to create more cohesive color schemes"
  • HTML Color Codes: "Get HTML color codes, Hex color codes, RGB and HSL values with our color picker, color chart and HTML color names."
  • HTML CSS Color: "HTML CSS Color Picker"
  • Yours?


Technology watching

  • 24 ways: "24 ways to improve your friends"
  • Alsacréations: "Communauté d'apprentissage des standards du web"
  • Butinage *: La veille technologique selon Makina Corpus.
  • CodeVisually: "Web developer tools & resources"
  • La tête dans le flux: "Bonjour, je voudrais un pack de <br /> s'il vous plait"
  • Smashing Magazine: "The Smashing team is committed to stimulating creativity and strengthening the web design community’s creative forces"
  • OXP (Onextrapixel): "Leading online magazine and resource site for designers and web developers"
  • Webdesigner news: "Currated stories for designers"
  • Yours?



  • Atom: "A hackable text editor for the 21st Century" - Available for Mac OS, Linux (for sure Ubuntu) & Windows
  • Brackets: "A modern, open source text editor that understands web design" - Available for Mac OS, Linux (for sure Ubuntu) & Windows
  • Sublime Text: "Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose" - Available for Mac OS, Linux (for sure Ubuntu) & Windows
  • Typora: "A minimal markdown reading & writing app" - The best Markdown editor. Available for Mac OS & Windows
  • Visual Studio Code: "Build and debug modern web and cloud applications. Code is free and available on your favorite platform" - Available for Mac OS, Linux (for sure Ubuntu) & Windows
  • Yours?

Need to be sorted

  • Collective #160: "30 species * Textures.js * Logdown * type.js * Browser Input Events * sanitize.css * Readable Wearables"
  • The Code Kit: "A curated selection of essential web design and development tools, news, and inspiration"
  • Yours?