
A simple boilerplate for using Selenium with Google Cloud functions.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Google Cloud Function Selenium Example

Extends gcloud-function-boilerplate with Selenium.

WARNING The maximum allowable memory for a gcloud function is 2GB. Deploying this example with only 1GB memory crashed. GCloud function also only allow a maximum of 9 minutes for your function to run. So be aware of these constraints before you build something on top of this!


  • Signup for Google Cloud
  • Create a new project project.
  • Install the gcloud cli tool.
     brew cask install google-cloud-sdk
  • Login
     gcloud auth login
  • Find the project id you just created and set it as the current project.
     gcloud projects list
     gcloud config set project selenium-258105


  • (optional) If you want to use gcloud services, you'll need to create some credentials.
     gcloud iam service-accounts create chet-dev
  • Add an owner policy
     gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding selenium-258105 --member "serviceAccount:chet-dev@selenium-258105.iam.gserviceaccount.com" --role "roles/owner"
  • Create the credentials file.
     gcloud iam service-accounts keys create credentials.json --iam-account chet-dev@selenium-258105.iam.gserviceaccount.com
  • Start the development server (you may have to build the first bundle npm run build before you do this.)
     npm start
  • Test that its working
     curl http://localhost:8080/


  • Read about it here

  • Build the TypeScript files:

     npm run build
  • Edit the package.json deploy script to reference the name of the function you want to deploy. Currently, it's called selenium.

  • Deploy

     npm run deploy
  • The deployment should log an endpoint url that you can test.

     curl https://us-central1-selenium-258105.cloudfunctions.net/selenium

    NOTE you can modify the memory allocation and timeout of the function in the deploy script. Current defaults are maxed out at --memory=2048MB --timeout=540s.
