
Telegram Bot for controlling your Raspberry Pi with custom voice commands. It is like Alexa, but not really.

Primary LanguagePython


Telegram Bot for controlling your Raspberry Pi and make it perform on custom voice commands. It is like Alexa, but not really.


set up credentials

git clone https://github.com/ccozkan/axela
cd axela
cp credentials.py_example credentials.py
  1. go to @botfather at Telegram and create yourself a bot
  2. save your api token next to API_TOKEN= on credentials.py (with surrounding quotes)
  3. go to @rawdatabot and type something, grab ["message"]["from"]["id"] value
  4. save this next to CHAT_ID= on credentials.py (without quotes)

minimum a.k.a. 'I am going to implement my own auxillary scripts'

bash setup_minimum.sh

complete a.k.a. 'I might use present auxillary scripts as well'

bash setup_complete.sh