
DI(dependency-injection) for pinia. work with vue@3

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

pinia-di: Use Pinia more flexibly!

🔥 🔥 Better way to reuse stores.

DI(dependency-injection) for pinia. work with vue@3.

Flow Chart

flowchart TD
A{{"StoreProvider[AppStore, MessageStore]\nInjectorA"}} --> B["CompoentApp\nInjectorB\nconst appStore = useStore(AppStore)();\nconst messageStore = useStore(MessageStore)()"]
B --> C{{"StoreProvider[ChildStore]\nInjectorC"}}
B --> D{{"StoreProvider[ChildStore]\nInjectorD"}}
C --> E["ComponentChild\nInjectorE\nconst appStore = useStore(AppStore)();\nconst childStore = useStore(ChildStore)();"]
D --> F["ComponentChild\nInjectorF\nconst appStore = useStore(AppStore)();\nconst childStore = useStore(ChildStore)();"]
E --> G{{"StoreProvider[ChildStore]\nInjectorG"}}
G --> H["ComponentChild\nInjectorH\nconst appStore = useStore(AppStore)();\nconst childStore = useStore(ChildStore)();"]

Core Concepts

  • Injector: Inject and provide stores in the component tree to current component or child components.
  • Store Tree: The store tree is like the component tree, each component get the store form the nearest Injector.
  • StoreProvider: A component that use Injector to provide stores.
  • Store Use: The return type of defineStore.
  • Store: The return type by call the Store Use like useStore();
  • Store Creator: A function that return a Store Use.
  • InjectionContext: The parameter that the Store Creator will receive.

Define Store Creator

A Store Creator is a creator function that return the defineStore.

For example: the AppStore is a Store Creator, and the return of AppStore() is Sotre Use:

import { defineStore } from 'pinia';
import { InjectionContext } from 'pinia-di';

// Store Creator
export const AppStore = (ctx: InjectionContext) => {
  return defineStore(ctx.useStoreId('App'), {

// Store Use
const useAppStore = AppStore();

// Store
const appStore = useAppStore();

InjectionContext: { getStore, useStoreId, onUnmounted }

getStore: Get other store that have been provided by current injector or parent injector.

import { InjectionContext } from 'pinia-di';
import { OtherStore } from './stores/other';

export const AppStore = ({ getStore }: InjectionContext) => {
  return defineStore('app', () => {
    const state = reactive({});
    const test = () => {
      // the OtherStore must be provided by `current injector` or  `parent injector`
        const otherStore = getStore(OtherStore);
    return {

useStoreId: Because pinia use id to identify one store, but our Store Creator is reusable, so we need a method useStoreId to generate the unique id.

import { InjectionContext } from 'pinia-di';
export const TestStore = ({ useStoreId }: InjectionContext) => {
  // store id will be `test-1`, `test-2`, ...
  return defineStore(useStoreId('test'), () => {
    const state = reactive({});
    return {

onUnmounted: Bind a function that will be invoked when the store unmounted.

import { InjectionContext } from 'pinia-di';
export const TestStore = ({ onUnmounted }: InjectionContext) => {
  const useTestStore = defineStore(useStoreId('test'), () => {
    const state = reactive({});
    const dispose = async () => {

    const remove = onUnmounted(dispose);
    // you can aslo remove the callback by
    // remove()

    return {

  return useTestStore;

Provide Stores

You can use composition api useProvideStores or component StoreProvider to provide stores.


<script lang="ts" setup>
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import { useProvideStores, useStore } from 'pinia-di';
import { TestStore } from '@/stores/testStore';

// the testStore is provided by parent injector
const testStore = useStore(TestStore);

// 'test' is the injector name that help to debug
useProvideStores([TestStore], 'test');

// testStoreNew is provided by the `useProvideStores` above
const testStoreNew = useStore(TestStore);


Use StoreProvider to provide stores.

🔥 Tip: Because the stores prop only use once, if changes after component mounted, the new stores prop will be ignored.

🔥 If you want to conditionally provide diffrent stores, you need to write diffrent components to provide each self.


<script setup>
import { StoreProvider } from 'pinia-di';
import { AppStore } from '@/stores/appStore';
import { TestStore } from '@/stores/testStore';

  <!-- // 'app' is the injector name that help to debug -->
  <StoreProvider :stores="[AppStore]" name="app">
    <Main />

      <StoreProvider :stores="[TestStore]">
        <div>test a</div>
      <StoreProvider :stores="[TestStore]">
        <div>test n</div>

And, you can provide stores in the app.privide for whole app.

pinia-di provide a helper function getProvideArgs to do this.

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import { getProvideArgs } from 'pinia-di';
import { AppStore } from '@/stores/appStore';

const app = createApp();
// 'app' is the injector name that help to debug
app.provide(...getProvideArgs([getProvideArgs], 'app'));


Using Store


<script setup>
import { useStore } from 'pinia-di';
import { AppStore } from '@/stores/appStore';

const appStore = useStore(AppStore);

Store Out Of Componet: Singleton Store

*** Tips: If use use Singleton Store, you can't get InjectionContext when then store create ***


import { defineStore } from 'pinia';

export const MessageStore = (/* no `ctx: InjectionContext` */) => {
  return defineStore('message'), {
    state: {}

export const useMessageStore = MessageStore();

Then, if you want to use the same store of messageStore for MessageStore, you will use the use flag when proivide stores.


<script setup>
import { StoreProvider, useStore } from 'pinia-di';
import { AppStore } from '@/stores/appStore';
import { useMessageStore, MessageStore } from '@/stores/messageStore';

const stores = [
  AppStore, { creator: MessageStore, use: useMessageStore }

  <StoreProvider :stores="stores">
    <Main />

When the child components get store of useStore(MessageStore), they will get the useMessageStore() that be created before, not to create new Store Use.


<script setup>
import { useStore } from 'pinia-di';
import { MessageStore } from '@/stores/messageStore';

// messageStore === useMessageStore(): true
const messageStore = useStore(MessageStore);

Get Other Stores In One Store


import { defineStore } from 'pinia';
import { useStoreId } from 'pinia-di';

export const UserStore = ({ getStore, useStoreId }: InjectionContext) => {
  return defineStore(useStoreId('user'), () => {
    const state = reactive({});
    const test = () => {
      // get other store that parent component or self provided
        const appStore = getStore(AppStore);
    return {

Store OnUnmounted


import { defineStore } from 'pinia';

export const AppStore = ({ onUnmounted, useStoreId }: InjectionContext) => {
  // define store, useStoreId('main') generate the unique id for per `Store Instance`
  return defineStore(useStoreId('main'), () => {
    const state = reactive({});
    const dispose = async () => {
      // console.log('dispose')


    return {

Store Tree

If same store creator provided by more than one parent, the useStore will get the nearest one.



<script setup>
import { StoreProvider } from 'pinia-di';
import { TestStore } from '@/stores/testStore';

const stores = [TestStore];

  <StoreProvider :stores="stores">
    <ParentB />



<script setup>
import { provideStores } from 'pinia-di';
import { TestStore } from '@/stores/testStore';

const stores = [TestStore];

  <StoreProvider :stores="stores">
    <Child />


<script setup>
import { useStore } from 'pinia-di';
import { TestStore } from '@/stores/testStore';

// will get the store provided by ParentB
const testStore = useStore(TestStore);


pinia-di will call store.$dispose() when then inject component unmounted.

If do not want the, you can use disposeOnUnmounted to disable it.

<script setup>
import { provideStores } from 'pinia-di';
import { TestStore } from '@/stores/testStore';

const stores = [
  { creator: TestStore, disposeOnUnmounted: false }