
netdata minimal installation with ping, http and port checks enabled

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netdata-minimal with ping, http and port checks enabled

Environment Variables

These environment variables are supported in addition to the base image:

Key Default value Accepted values Description
N_FPING_HOSTNAMES (unset) string Space separated list of DNS hostnames or IP addresses.
N_FPING_PING_EVERY 200 integer The amount of ms between each ping.
N_FPING_OPTS -R -b 56 -i 1 -r 0 -t 5000 string See below.
N_FPING_UPDATE_EVERY (unset) integer The chart update frequency for fping (by default inherits from netdata).
N_HTTP_URL (unset) string Full URL to the server e.g. https://server:8443/path.
N_HTTP_NAME local string The job name of the http check.
N_HTTP_REGEX (unset) regex Optional regex to search for in the HTTP response.
N_HTTP_REDIRECT yes yes or no Follow 3xx redirections before checking regex.
N_HTTP_STATUS_CODES 200 integer list Specify a space separated list of acceptable http status codes.
N_HTTP_TIMEOUT 1 decimal Specify the response timeout in seconds (supports decimals).
N_HTTP_UPDATE_EVERY (unset) integer The chart update frequency for http checks (by default inherits from netdata).
N_PORT_HOST (unset) IP or DNS The host for the port check.
N_PORT_PORT (unset) integer Ports number to check on N_PORT_HOST.
N_PORT_NAME local string The job name of the port check.
N_PORT_TIMEOUT 1 integer The socket timeout when connecting.
N_PORT_UPDATE_EVERY (unset) integer The chart update frequency for port checks (by default inherits from netdata).

Make sure to properly escape the supplied regex for yaml-parsing.

The default fping options are:

  • -R = send packets with random data
  • -b 56 = the number of bytes per packet
  • -i 1 = 1 ms when sending packets to others hosts (switching hosts)
  • -r 0 = never retry packets
  • -t 5000 = per packet timeout at 5000 ms


  • If you want check multiple hosts for port/http then you will have to mount /etc/netdata/python.d/httpcheck.conf and /etc/netdata/python.d/portcheck.conf from outside this container. But then you should not specify N_HTTP_URL or N_PORT_PORT resp. anymore, as they would probably cause a mess in your config.
  • By default, a series of 5 pings will be sent to every host per second. If you don't want to bombard your hosts, set N_FPING_UPDATE_EVERY to 5 and N_FPING_PING_EVERY to 1000 in order to send 1 ping every second. The downside is, that the chart will be updated every 5 seconds instead of every 1 second. fping is only enabled if you set N_FPING_HOSTNAMES.
  • If you provide hostnames in N_FPING_HOSTNAMES, they must be resolvable at container startup. Otherwise the affected hosts won't be in the charts.
  • Alarms are disabled by default, but you can enable them on a nedata master, if this container is a slave.

Docker Compose Quick start

version: '3'
    image: braindoctor/netdata-healthcheck
      - N_FPING_HOSTNAMES=google.com
      - N_HTTP_URL=https://google.com/
      - N_PORT_HOST=google.com
      - N_PORT_PORT=443
      - N_ENABLE_WEB=yes
      - "19999:19999"

$ docker-compose up -d

You can now browse to http://localhost:19999/

Docker Compose Full example

version: '3'
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: braindoctor/netdata-healthcheck
    container_name: netdata-healthcheck
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - "google:"
      - N_FPING_PING_EVERY=200
      - N_FPING_HOSTNAMES=google
      - N_FPING_OPTS=-R -b 56 -i 1 -r 0 -t 5000
      - N_HTTP_URL=https://google.com/
      - N_HTTP_NAME=google
      - N_HTTP_REGEX=.*
      - N_HTTP_REDIRECT=yes
      - N_HTTP_STATUS_CODES=200 301
      - N_HTTP_TIMEOUT=1
      - N_PORT_HOST=google.com
      - N_PORT_PORT=443
      - N_PORT_NAME=google
      - N_PORT_TIMEOUT=1
      # streaming is optional, but recommended if you have a netdata master
      - N_STREAM_DESTINATION=your.netdata.master
      - N_STREAM_API_KEY=11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555
    # for testing enable web and ports (not required for streaming only):
      - N_ENABLE_WEB=yes
      - "19999:19999"

Pro tip: You can add extra_hosts to create host names that do not require a TLD, so that the charts will have sensible names that do not expose host names. The downside is that the extra_host parameters do not accept other host names, they must be IP addresses.