
semantic release with merge

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Rich Text Editor Content Converter



  • pnpm: >= 7 | 8
  • node: >= 16 | 18

Getting Started

pnpm install


turbo build


turbo lint


turbo format

Create a new extension

You can create a new extension by copying an existing one.

turbo gen workspace --copy --name @rte-content-converter/extension-[name]

Follow the prompts:

  • What type of workspace should be added? > Choose package
  • Which workspace should "@rte-content-converter/xxx" start from? > Select one extension
  • Where should "@rte-content-converter/extension-[name]" be added? > Enter
  • Add workspace dependencies to "@rte-content-converter/extension-abbr"? Choose no

It will copy the template from an existing extension to a new folder. You can now modify everything according to your needs.

Push Force

git push --force is not recommended!

After a git history rewrite due to a git push --force, the git tags and notes referencing the commits that were rewritten are lost.

If it happens, read this troubleshooting section: Troubleshooting