
Psych 290Q S23 @ UC Berkeley: Large Language Models and Cognitive Science

Psych 290Q: Large Language Models and Cognitive Science

UC Berkeley Cognition Seminar, Spring 2024, 2 Units

Course Description

Large language models (LLMs) are machine learning systems that generate text. Recent models (e.g. OpenAI's GPT4, Google DeepMind's Gemini) appear to exhibit capablilities in communication and reasoning that are more open-ended and human-like than any technology in history. As a result of these apparent capabilities, LLMs are often claimed to be on the verge of transformative impacts on education, science, art, business, and society. But how justified are these claims? What are LLMs? What can they actually do? How should we conceptualize these technologies and evaluate their capabilities?

In this course, we will discuss recent research into the capabilities of LLMs and their applications to questions in cognitive and social science. What might LLMs teach us about human cognition? Can we use these technologies to do more impactful science? Can we use cognitive science to advance evidence-based, ethical, equitable integration of LLMs into societies and economies? We will discuss these questions and others on Fridays over lunch 11am - 1pm at 2121 Berkeley Way West Room 1213.

We will read one paper per week (or a few short papers -- several are very brief perspective papers). Everyone reads the paper, one or more people present the paper, and we discuss. Some weeks we will invite speakers from cognitive science and from industry to present their recent LLM research in person or over zoom. Invited speaker schedule TBD.

A note on scope: This is a non-technical course. We will not focus on engineering considerations (model architectures, training, etc) or do any data analysis or prgaramming as part of the class. Attenndees should be comfortable with basic concepts in experimental psychology, cognitive science, and data analysis, but no technical experience with language models is required.

Course Structure

Part 1: Introduction

Background on Large Language Models (LLMs) and the wider social context of their application. What are large language models? Why so much excitement and fear? Is all this attention justified? How do LLMs work? Why are LLMs having such an outsized impact on society, science, education, and business? Part One will include a very brief introduction to large language models, a summary of their impacts on science and society so far, and some reflection on how LLMs are conceptualized by companies and scientists.

Part 2: LLMs as Subjects

What are the notable capabilities of LLMs? Can they reason? Can they count? Do they use stereotypes and biases to make judgments and give advice? Can they solve analagoies or exhibit creativity? Do LLMs have rich social reasoning capabilities such as teaching, theory of mind, or information-seeking questioning strategies? Can an LLM have a personality? Can an LLM understand the visual world form language alone?

Questions such as these are the subject of intense research in cognitive and computer science. We will review some of this research and disccus questions such as: What relation does this research have to cognitive psychology?; Is it appropriate to talk about the cogitive abilities of an LLM at all, or compare them to other species? How do an LLMs abilities relate to human cognition? Are there alternative rehotorical frameworks (e.g. what computations can LLMs implement?) we could consider? What sort of experiments should be the standard for LLM research? Does current research meet these standards?

Part 3: LLMs as Tools

In what ways can we incorportate LLMs into cognitive and social science research for the greater good? On the one hand, LLMs are not yet ready for important tasks such as editorial work (would you be ok with a language model reviewing your manuscript?). On the other hand, LLMs hold the potential to be incredibly useful tools for behavioral simulation, semantic data analysis, computational piloting, stimuli generation, and many more applications in science. LLMs are already replacing human participants in market research, the design of social mdeia algorithms, and the creation of large-scale norming datasets among many other applications that have historically been out of reach. Should we be excited or fearful? Or skeptical?

Part 4: Implications for Cognitive Science and Cognitive Scientists

We will end by discussing some of the most contentious questions that link cognitive science and Artificial Intellignece, theoretical and practical. What can we learn about human cognition from the successes and failures of large language models? Do we need more cognitive science in an age of intelligent machines, or less? What is the role of cognitive science in the evaluation and regulation of machine learning systems?

Assessment: Collaborative Course Paper (or Research Project)

The goal for this seminar is to produce at least one perspective or review paper, co-authored by seminar participants. Depending on the number of participants, we may cluster into groups working on different papers, or collaborate on a single piece. A full first-draft of the paper is due Friday May 3rd. Participants who do not wish to co-athor a paper can choose to write a short single-authored reflection peice, review, or position paper relating to the intersection of language models and their own research (approximately 1500 words). I would also be happy to consider supervising relevant research projects as a subtitute for this requirement.

Schedule [Tentative]

The schedule below is tenatative because the selection and sequence of readings may vary as a function of class participants' interests and background. Below the schedule there is a larger collection of papers for potential substitution into the schedule (I will keep adding new papers to this collection as they come out -- feel free to send me suggestions for aditional papers).

Part 1: Introduction

Date Topic Presenters Reading
2024-01-19 Introduction & Course Overview Bill Thompson OpenAI: Introducing ChatGPT & Google CEO Sundar Pichai on the coming age of AI
2024-01-26 Scene Setting: what are the stakes? Guest Speaker: Mayank Agrawal, Co-founder of Roundatable.ai Dillion, D., Tandon, N., Gu, Y., & Gray, K. (2023). Can AI language models replace human participants?. Trends in Cognitive Sciences.

Crockett, M., & Messeri, L. (2023). Should large language models replace human participants? Psyarxiv preprint.


Harding, J., D’Alessandro, W., Laskowski, N. G., & Long, R. (2023). AI language models cannot replace human research participants. AI & SOCIETY, 1-3.
2024-02-02 Scene Setting: what are the stakes? Melanie Mitchell, Prof. at SFI, speaking @ the Kadish Seminar Mitchell, M., & Krakauer, D. C. (2023). The debate over understanding in AI’s large language models. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(13), e2215907120
2024-02-09 Models of who? Bill Thompson Atari, M., Xue, M. J., Park, P. S., Blasi, D., & Henrich, J. (2023). Which humans?.

See also Anthroscore

Part Two: LLMs as Subjects

Date Topic Presenter Reading
2024-02-16 Capabilities: Agency Josh Tenenbaum, Prof. at MIT, speaking @ the Kadish Seminar Paul, L. A., Ullman, T., De Freitas, J., & Tenenbaum, J. (2023). Reverse-engineering the self.
2024-02-23 Capabilities: Reasoning Alyson Wong Stevenson, C. E., ter Veen, M., Choenni, R., van der Maas, H. L., & Shutova, E. (2023). Do large language models solve verbal analogies like children do?. arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.20384
2024-03-01 LLMs as models of People Fei Dai & Mingyu Yuan Binz, M., & Schulz, E. (2023). Turning large language models into cognitive models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.03917.

Agnew, W., Bergman, A. S., Chien, J., Díaz, M., El-Sayed, S., Pittman, J., ... & McKee, K. R. (2024). The illusion of artificial inclusion. arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.08572.
2024-03-08 Grounding and Embodiment in Intelligence & LLMs Guest Speaker: Ishita Dasgupta, Research Scientist at Google Deepmind Background reading: Alayrac, J. B., Donahue, J., Luc, P., Miech, A., Barr, I., Hasson, Y., ... & Simonyan, K. (2022). Flamingo: a visual language model for few-shot learning. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 35, 23716-23736.

Optional additional reading: Dasgupta, I., Lampinen, A. K., Chan, S. C., Creswell, A., Kumaran, D., McClelland, J. L., & Hill, F. (2022). Language models show human-like content effects on reasoning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.07051.
2024-03-15 Perspectives: What are language models? Sophie Regan & Jing-Jing Li McCoy, R. T., Yao, S., Friedman, D., Hardy, M., & Griffiths, T. L. (2023). Embers of autoregression: Understanding large language models through the problem they are trained to solve. arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.13638.

Momennejad, I., Hasanbeig, H., Vieira Frujeri, F., Sharma, H., Jojic, N., Palangi, H., ... & Larson, J. (2024). Evaluating cognitive maps and planning in large language models with CogEval. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 36
2024-03-29 Perspectives: interacting with a language model Ti-Fen Pan Shanahan, M., McDonell, K., & Reynolds, L. (2023). Role play with large language models. Nature, 1-6.

Also: Some great podcasts for Spring zrecess (optional): Ellie Pavlick on Brain Inspired & Raphaël Millière on Mindscape & Murray Shanahan on Many Minds

Part 3: LLMs as Tools

Date Topic Presenter Reading
2024-04-05 Causal Understanding from Passive Training? Andrew Lampinen, Google Deepmind Lampinen, A., Chan, S., Dasgupta, I., Nam, A., & Wang, J. (2024). Passive learning of active causal strategies in agents and language models. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 36.
2024-04-12 Real-world Planning with LLMs Vijay Ramesh, VP of AI @ Regrello Kambhampati, S., Valmeekam, K., Guan, L., Stechly, K., Verma, M., Bhambri, S., ... & Murthy, A. (2024). LLMs Can't Plan, But Can Help Planning in LLM-Modulo Frameworks arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.01817.

Part 4: Implications for Cognitive Science and Cognitive Scientists

Date Topic Presenter Reading
2024-04-19 Reflections Binz, M., Alaniz, S., Roskies, A., Aczel, B., Bergstrom, C. T., Allen, C., ... & Schulz, E. (2023). How should the advent of large language models affect the practice of science?. arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.03759.

Gary Lupyan on Metaphors for LLMs (~20 minute audio presentation)

Atari, M., Xue, M. J., Park, P. S., Blasi, D., & Henrich, J. (2023). Which humans?.

Buttrick, N. (2024). Studying large language models as compression algorithms for human culture. Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
Outlook and Conclusions Frank, M.C. Openly accessible LLMs can help us to understand human cognition. Nature Human Behaviour (2023)
2024-05-03 Closing thoughts & Course Paper Submission Deadline Noah Goodman on LLMs and future psychology

Potential Papers for Discussion

Here is a list of potential readings, approximately organized according to structure of the course. Participants can select from the readings below or suggest alternatives as replacements for papers listed in the tentative schedule above.

Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: LLMs as Subjects

(How) Do LLMs do X?

Assessing LLMs

Knowledge from Language


Relevant Engineering/ML Papers

Part 3: LLMs as Tools

Part 4: Implications for Cognitive Science and Cognitive Scientists

Theoretical Implications?

Practical Implications?