
Reference of functions

Specific parameters: Refer to the API documentation
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Due to the different command rules in different programming languages, there may be small hump, underscore, and other command methods, but the words are the same.
Use the function name of php as a reference:
Name Description
GetSupportToken Obtain the token list supported by merchants
GetTokenChain Obtain the list of the available networks for a certain token
CreateOrder Manage 100% of your front-end interactions and use our APIs to build your own checkout page.
CheckoutUrl Simplify your integration by utilizing CCPayment's hosted checkout page. CCPayment will generate a checkout URL to merchant, it will direct customers to CCPayment hosted checkout page to make payment.
Withdraw Call the withdrawal API to initiate withdrawals
CheckUser Check the Validity of Cwallet ID
GetTokenRate The amount of USD converted into tokens
Assets Obtain details of merchant's assets
NetworkFee Obtain the network fee of a certain network
Webhook Notification of order callbacks