
Karstnet is a python3 project providing tools for the statistical analysis of karstic networks.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Karstnet - statistics of karstic networks

Karstnet is a python3 project providing tools for the statistical analysis of karstic networks.

Documentation Status Build Status

Version 1.2.1 - October 2023

Please check the file changelog.md to track the novel functionalities of karstnet.


Download karstnet from this Github platform : green button "clone or download". Then, unzip it on your computer.

Once this have been done, you can open a Python prompt (like the Anaconda prompt) to install it

Install from source (from project main directory), just to use it (e.g. in Jupyter notebooks):

1)In your prompt, go to your directory location (ex: cd C:\Users\YourName\Documents\KARSTNET\karstnet

  1. then launch karstnet installation by taping: pip install . Do not forget the point "." at the end of the command

If you want to run it directly from source (useful for development): pip install -e .

Both these options can also be run without moving previously in the karstnet folder. In that case, just type in your Anaconda prompt :

pip install -e your\path\to\karstnet


From source directory, and after instaling karstnet run:

pytest tests/test_karstnet.py

In Jupyter notebooks

Example of jupyter notebooks are provided to help you use karstnet. To use karstnet in notebooks, you just have to write

import karstnet as kn

A call-test function is available to help you check if the package is ready to use : just type: kn.test_kn()


The html documentation is available in the sub directory: docs/_build/html/index.html

Also available online at: https://karstnet.readthedocs.io/

Remark on ENTROPIES: Note that, by default, Karstnet computes Entropies as described in the paper (mode = "default") : on normalized values ranged on 10 bins for branch lengths and on 18 bins of 10° for orientations

If you want to compute entropies using Sturges'rule use : l_entrop = myKGraph.length_entropy(mode = "sturges") or_entropy = myKGraph.orientation_entropy(mode = "sturges")

Reference and Corrigendum

The karstnet package implements some of the statistical metrics that were investigated and discussed in: Collon, P., Bernasconi D., Vuilleumier C., and Renard P., 2017, Statistical metrics for the characterization of karst network geometry and topology. Geomorphology. 283: 122-142 doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.01.034 http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.01.034

An updated paper (see remarks below) is available in the "doc" folder of this github and can be downloaded here https://hal.univ-lorraine.fr/hal-01468055v3/document. (complete link : https://hal.univ-lorraine.fr/hal-01468055)

Concerning the paper, important remarks should be made :

There was some errors in the old Matlab implementation (the one used for the paper) that have been corrected in Karstnet. A corrigendum has been published in Geomorphology journal : Geomorphology 389, 107848. http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2021.107848. The results obtained on the same 34 networks than the ones used for the paper but with the implementation of Karstnet are proposed for information in the doc part (New_Statistics_results.xls) as well as the updated author version of the paper in pdf : 2016Pap_Collon_Geomorphology_Autho_Upd_2021.pdf.

Here we summarize the main differences :

Correlation of Vertex Degrees, rk : The corrected values of the correlation of vertex degree, rk, are all negative, indicating that the karstic networks in our data set are disassortative as it was reported for other natural networks by Newman (2002).

Branch lengths entropy, Hlen : In the previous Matlab code, we computed the branch length entropy on 11 bins instead of the 10 bins described in the paper. Correcting this (computing on 10 bins) slightly decreases the values, ranging now from 0.07 to 0.67 instead of 0.18 to 0.74 (page 9). The Karstnet values are now correct.

CVlengths : just an error of transcription in the table 2 of the paper where CVlen was supposed to be provided in %, but was provided in standard number

branch lengths : In the previous code, when computing the mean length of the branches, the looping branches (branches that closes on the starting point) were ignored. If this is meaningful for tortuosity computation, these branches should not be ignored for the mean length computation. This has been corrected and explains the minor differences observable for the mean length values of Agen Allwed, Daren Cilau, Foussoubie Goule, Krubera, Lechuguilla, MammuthHöhle, Ratasse, SaintMarcel, Sakany, Shuanghe, SiebenHengsteFull and SiebenHengsteSP2.

SPL : In addition, the previous code also ignored independent connected components of two nodes. This is not justified. This correction slightly impacts the values of the (SPL) coefficient of Agen Allwed, Arphidia Robinet, Daren Cilau, Grotte du Roy, Krubera, Lechuguilla, Llangattwg, MammuthHöhle Ratasse, SaintMarcel, Sakany, SiebenHengsteUpPart

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