
This repository is used to maintain the site of BAPS. Please read the README if you are willing to contribute.

Primary LanguageSCSSMIT LicenseMIT

To see the blog in action, go to - baps-bgd.githib.io

How to contribute

  • Create a fork of this repository.
  • Make changes to the desired post. You can find them under /_posts/
  • Commit your changes. Make sure you add comments describing the changes.
  • After you have done all the changes and commited them, submit a pull request.

What should you add

  • Appropriate problems under various topics. Please try to add interesting problems. If there is a similar problem already added, then don't add another.
  • Difficulty of the added problems. Hard, Medium or Easy.
  • Helpful blog resources. Especially if they are in Bangla. English blogs are also welcome. Any other language is also okay if the blog covers a relatively rare topic.

We want this site to be a one-stop resource point for all competitve-programming (ICPC, IOI etc.) related topics.