Basic Requirements - Discussion about how the code should work
Beats Code - Beats and Beatsheets related code
Bloodpool Discussion - Discussion about how Bloodpools should work
Boon code - Code around the +boons system
CG ... - The old CG and sheet system
Cron - Mush Cron
Custom Request commands - My custom request commands IE: The +req commands
Downtime Code - Code relating to Downtime
Event handler - Code around pennmush's event system
Help Index - Base load of +help
Hunt code - code for +hunt/+feed and some various weapon and armor code
Init-help - Backup of the initiative help file
library - The new stat system
Misc Code - Miscellaneous code. Finger setting code, aspirations, lots of things.
Modified roller - The New Roller
New CG - New Character Generation Code by Room
OSS Automation Strings - String Table for +OSS
Requiem Skill Rol - Old Roller
Requiem Core - Global Functions
Requiem List DB - Giant list of things that the old cg used
Rituals - +Rituals
Scotty - What used to be +meetme
SocialCalc - A command to automatically calculate social strata for the game to determine who is ascendant and eminent.
Territories Code - Staff side +territories commands and territories sql code
Territories Player Code - Player facing territories commands, +oss
territories Shared code - Shared functions and all the sql statements for territories
Universal Sheet - new +sheet
UniversalInventory - New inventory system
Update Handler - Automated vitae and heal code, Dawn and Dusk events
Wizard Commands - Wizard Commands
code core backup - I have no idea why this exists, it's a copy of code core
Conditions - the conditions system
Discipline discussion - another discussion
Events system - +events, thanks to steele
Lair - +lair
lwatch - lwatch system
nwod_drop_in - for my universal sheet, a pre-made collection of information
places - places system
warn - not done yet and in progress +warn system