When launch an application built with runtime packages compiled by RAD Studio 10.2 update 2 in Windows XP, an error prompt
The procedure entry point inet_pton could not be located in the dynamic link library ws2_32.dll.
The application works fine from Windows Vista onwards.
As stated in InetPton function:
The InetPton function is supported on Windows Vista and later.
RAD Studio 10.2 update 2 has a new update in unit Windows.WinSock2.pas
function inet_pton; external ws2_32 name 'inet_pton';
The function is bind statically when application was launch. There is no way to patch the source code easily. A quick workaround solution is built the application as single executable file instead of runtime packages.
This project attempt to define proxy functions to all exported functions of original Windows XP's WS2_32.dll
including inet_pton
that was missing in Windows XP's WS2_32.dll
. It tricks the Windows XP application process to think that inet_pton
is available and not prompting any errors.
Please note that the DLL shall deploy to Windows XP only.