
Fastest 64 bit hashmap in JS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Benchmark for JS hashmaps

Build Status

Comparing different hashmaps that map 64-bit numbers to strings. The benchmark asks each hashmap implementation to diff two arrays with (key, value) pairs and summarize the diff by the value. Example:

0x400673046f13a400 openSync
0x40067304892cca00 watchFile
0x4006730491a04c00 Stats
0x400673049a84e900 FileReadStream
0x4006730456798300 chownSync
0x400673046f164800 mkdtempSync
0x4006730496292b00 readFileSync

0x400673046f13a400 openSync
0x40067304892cca00 watchFile
0x4006730491a04c00 Stats
0x400673049a84e900 FileReadStream
0x4006730456798300 chownSync
0x400673046f164800 mkdtempSync
0x4006730496292b00 readFileSync
0x4006730456400800 chmod
0x4006730483929900 createWriteStream
0x4006730485bd9900 createWriteStream

The diff should be {createWriteStream:2, chmod:1}.

If keys were 32 bit, then the es6 Map would be hard to outperform.

Hashmaps being compared:

  • es6-stack - the built-in Map class stacked as Map<Map<int, string>> and addressed with map.get(key_hi).get(key_lo)
  • es6-concat - the same es6 Map, but now the two 32 bit keys are stringified and concatenated
  • naive - the object literal {} used as a hashmap; the two 32 bit keys are stringified and merged
  • naive-stack - now the two keys aren't concatenated, but used to address a 2-level {} hashmap, which still results in stringifying the keys are yields even worse performance
  • trie - the 64 bit key is split into 4-30-30 bit sequence which is used to address a 3-level trie
  • list - the classic hashmap that uses lists for items with the same hash
  • npmjs hashmap stacked like HashMap<HashMap<int, string>>
  • float64 - converts (int32, int32) to float64 with typed arrays - an idea suggested by dom1n1k

Results are relative to the {}/naive hashmap: 2.50 means that this hashmap runs 2.5x slower than {}. The {}/naive hashmap is also used to verify correctness of other implementations.

1M-50K 2M-100K 3M-5K
es6-concat 0.82 0.92 0.55
es6-stack 0.52 0.41 0.36
float64 0.35 0.35 0.24
hashmap 2.94 2.86 1.52
list 0.34 0.30 0.22
naive-stack 1.65 1.79 1.16
naive 1.00 1.00 1.00
trie 0.76 0.92 0.57

Build & Run

git clone ...
npm install
npm test

How to add a new hashmap implementation

Add a new index.js file at /src/js/hashmaps/<name>/index.js. The npm test script will see the new file and run it.
