
java application/library to read gps data (NMEA, garmin) and show map tiles

Primary LanguageJava

GPSylon / GPSTool


GPSylon is a very old project of mine. I transfered the source repository from sourceforge.


GPSylon is a moving map application that may use data from a gps device to show the current location. It uses the gpstool framework that provides some classes for geographical and cartographical programming.

To start the application, you need at least java1.4 or java1.5, for gps support you need serial support (the comm api from rxtx.org).

Usually, you can start GPSylon by calling

java -jar gpsylon-<version>.jar

As the map application uses map tile servers that probably do not exist anymore it probable will not work anymore. Sorry for that - but no spare time at the moment to get it running again.


The command line tool is called GPSTool and demonstrates how to use the gps device communication classes. It is able to retrieve the current position and upload/download routes/tracks/waypoints from/to garmin gps devices.

java -jar gpstool-<version>.jar --help

gives some information, how to start the command line tool.


Further details are in the html-documentation in the "doc" directory where you can also find a software design documentation for your own extensions to the code.

The latest version may be downloaded at http://gpsmap.sourceforge.net

If you have questions, please contact the author Christof Dallermassl (christof@dallermassl.at)

GPSylon uses some features of the open-source (GPL) openmap library.


ant - gives a list of all ant commands (see there)
ant compile - compiles the project


This project is licensed under Apache 2.0