
Serverless AWS Lambda function to convert SVG to PNG image

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Serverless SVG to PNG

A microservice to convert SVG to PNG image.

Built upon Starter Kit for running Headless-Chrome by Puppeteer on AWS Lambda.


Clone this repo then:

npm install

Run on local

By executing SLOWMO_MS=250 npm run local, you can check the operation while actually viewing the chrome (non-headless, slowmo).

Packaging & Deploy

Lambda's memory needs to be set to at least 384 MB, but the more memory, the better the performance of any operations.

512MB -> goto(youtube): 6.481s
1536MB -> goto(youtube): 2.154s

chrome in package (recommended)

If you use alone, run npm run package, and deploy the package.zip.

If you use with Serverless, run serverless deploy (this runs npm run package when packaging).

chrome NOT in package

Due to the large size of Chrome, it may exceed the Lambda package size limit (50MB) depending on the other module to include. In that case, put Chrome in S3 and download it at container startup so startup time will be longer.

Run npm run package-nochrome, deploy the package.zip, and set following env valiables on Lambda.

  • CHROME_BUCKET(required): S3 bucket where Chrome is put
  • CHROME_KEY(optional): S3 key. default: headless_shell.tar.gz


Convert an SVG to PNG

curl -X POST https://XXXXXXX.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/convert-to-png --data '{
	"svgString": "<svg xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\" viewBox=\"0 0 100 100\">\r\n  <path d=\"M30,1h40l29,29v40l-29,29h-40l-29-29v-40z\" stroke=\"#000\" fill=\"none\"\/> \r\n  <path d=\"M31,3h38l28,28v38l-28,28h-38l-28-28v-38z\" fill=\"#a23\"\/> \r\n<\/svg>",
	"width": "600",
	"height": "600"

Example Result:

    "message": "[INFO] Successfully converted SVG to PNG",
    "image": "..."