
zero configuration API docs published to github pages

Primary LanguageJavaScript


JavaScript Style Guide Codeship Status for cdaringe/jsdock


a zero configuration tool for well-styled API docs and publishing to gh-pages. just write JSDoc and let jsdock do the rest.


there are some good patterns for publishing library API docs that jsdoc doesn't give you right out of the box. jsdock is for library authors who want no brainer API docs without managing boilerplate.

  • you want your README.md embedded in your API documentation homepage
  • you want markdown support in your JSDoc tags. syntax highlighting in examples, etc.
  • the default JSDoc theme isn't great. minami is 'mo betta
  • you (may) want a single command to build and publish your docs to github pages


npm install --save-dev jsdock


  • you write a library with JSDoc
  • you run jsdock build and jsdock publish
// package.json
  "scripts": {
    "docs:build": jsdock build, // builds to docs/ dir in project root
    "docs:publish": jsdoc publish, // publish to <user>.github.io/<project>
    "docs:clean": jsdock clean

currently you must:

  • have a README.md
  • put your source in src/.
    • if you don't like that ^, send me a PR
  • use node 7.10.+


see the api docs.


yes. configuration sucks. checking it in is totally 2016.

sorry for the confusing name. ;)