
The Shopify's webhook daemon

Primary LanguageGo

webhookd, the daemon for Shopify's webhooks


webhookd is taking care of receiving and verifying your webhooks. All you have to do is providing your program to handle the webhooks.


Getting started receiving webhooks can be challenging, because it requires hosting a web server, verifying the webhook and then trigger the business logic. The goal of that project is to provide easy getting started project/templates so that the receiving part of webhooks is already done, and you can focus on the business logic.

Here's an example on how to use it:

Start webhookd and tell it which program to run when a webhook is received

$ webhookd --shared-secret=abc123 ./my_program.sh

Create a script/program to handle the webhooks from STDIN and ENV:

# my_program.sh

# Set stdout to the $logfile
exec 1>$logfile

# Read the webhooks JSON from STDIN and echo it in the $logfile
while read line
  echo "$line"

# Dump the process ENV variables

That's all it takes to start processing webhooks! The idea is it to take all the burden of receiving/verifying the webhooks in webhookd so that you can focus on the business logic. Any script/program in any language that can read STDIN and ENVS can be used here!

Main highlights

  • It's the UNIX philosophy: write programs that do one thing well and communicate using text streams as a universal interface!
  • Yes, it is like CGI but for webhooks!
  • it's written in go, so we provide a single exec that is portable on most platforms and iseasily deployable.
  • it might be later a good place to experiment with new transport technologies (HTTP/2, QUIC) and have a better delivery mechanism.


This project is heavily inspired by http://websocketd.com/. Thanks for the inspiration and for moving the UNIX philosophy forward <3!